Понимание литий-ионного аккумулятора твердотельный -Оборудование для литий-ионных аккумуляторов

Понимание твердых электролитов литий-ионных аккумуляторов -Оборудование для литий-ионных аккумуляторов

19 Сен 2022

Although lithium-ion batteries have become the mainstream of energy storage today, the molecular and atomic basic science of their charge and discharge is still a mystery.

According to the "NatureCatalysis" study by the U.S. Department of Energy's Argonne National Laboratory, the research team has made a breakthrough in obtaining the chemical composition of the solid-electrolyteinterphase (SEI) between the electrode and the liquid electrolyte. This will help improve the team's ability to predict battery life, which is critical for electric vehicle manufacturers, said Dusan Strmcnik, a chemical engineer in Argonne National Laboratory's Materials Science Division (MSD).(Lithium - Ion Battery Equipment)

Scientists have been working to crack the SEI of lithium-ion batteries for a long time, but they only know that SEI is formed when the battery is charged, resulting in a thousandth of a millimeter thick film on the graphite electrode, which protects the interface from harmful reactions, while allowing lithium ions to occur. It shuttles between the electrode and the electrolyte, so for lithium-ion batteries, a good SEI is a necessary condition. Strmcnik pointed out that battery efficiency and lifetime depend on the quality of SEI, and if scientists can find out its chemical properties and independent composition rules, they can use SEI to improve battery efficiency.

Therefore, the Argonne National Laboratory formed an international research team with the University of Copenhagen in Denmark, the Technical University of Munich in Germany and the BMW Group, and successfully unraveled lithium fluoride (lithium fluoride), a common chemical substance in the SEI of lithium-ion batteries.

The experimental and computational results indicate that the electrochemical reaction of hydrogen fluoride (hydrogenfluoride) is generated during the charging of the battery, from electrolyte to solid lithium fluoride and generates hydrogen. Such reactions are highly dependent on electrode materials such as graphite, graphene and metal, proving that the battery catalyst importance.

The team also developed a new method to detect the concentration of hydrogen fluoride. Since hydrogen fluoride is a harmful substance formed by moisture and lithium salt (LiPF6), this detection method will play a key role in the future scientific research of SEI. Researcher Nenad Markovic said that the study will be tested at the BMW battery research and development center in the future.
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