Строительство заводов для продвижения аккумуляторной промышленности - Оборудование для литий-ионных аккумуляторов

TSLA строит заводы для продвижения промышленной цепочки - оборудование для литий-ионных аккумуляторов

12 июл 2022

Lithium-ion battery concept stocks strengthened during the session, Kodali rose by the daily limit, Hezong Technology rose by more than 9%, and many stocks such as Hanrui Cobalt, Keheng, Jiawei, and Xingyuan Materials followed suit.(Lithium - Ion Battery Equipment)

According to the Shanghai TV News Channel, TSLA, the Shanghai Lingang Management Committee and Lingang Group jointly signed an investment agreement for the pure electric vehicle project, and will build a TSLA super car integrating R&D, manufacturing, and sales in the Lingang area. Factory (Gigafactory3), the project plans to produce 500,000 pure electric vehicles per year, and officially promote the localization process of TSLA.

Huatai Securities believes that TSLA will bring larger-scale orders to upstream suppliers, and parts suppliers supporting TSLA will directly benefit. If TSLA chooses to purchase batteries from my country, the upstream lithium-ion battery industry chain is also expected to benefit.
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