В Соединенных Штатах разработали литиевую батарею-Оборудование для литий-ионных аккумуляторов

В Соединенных Штатах разработали заменители литиевых батарей - Оборудование для литий-ионных батарей

25 октября 2022

According to foreign media reports, the scientific team of Central University of Florida (UCF) has developed a "super battery" that can store more energy.

The performance of traditional lithium-ion batteries begins to decline to varying degrees after 1500 times of charging, while the performance of this supercapacitor will not decline after 30000 times of continuous use.

"Just use this super capacitor to replace the battery in your mobile phone, and then charge your mobile phone for a few seconds. Then you don't need to charge your mobile phone for a week." Dr. Nitin Choudhary, one of the researchers, introduced.(Lithium - Ion Battery Equipment)

People with smart phones generally encounter this problem: after about 18 months of battery use, the time for charging a mobile phone to maintain power is becoming shorter and shorter. This shows that the capacity of the battery to store electricity has decreased.

Scientists have been studying how to use nano materials to improve the capacity of batteries, hoping to develop more powerful supercapacitors to replace the batteries we use at this stage.

It has been confirmed earlier that two-dimensional materials have strong electrical storage properties. Although some people tried to add graphite formula to two-dimensional materials in the past, the effect was not ideal. Researchers at Central University of Florida chose to apply a newly invented two-dimensional material to capacitors.

"Most researchers now encounter difficulties in combining two-dimensional materials with the current capacitance system, which has always been the bottleneck of our industry. Our team has used a simple chemical synthesis method, which can well combine the two." said Yeonwoong Jung, the chief researcher.

The supercapacitor developed by the team consists of millions of wires only a few nanometers long, each of which is wrapped in two-dimensional materials. Ultra high conductivity can speed up the movement and transfer of electrons, so that the battery can be charged and discharged very quickly. "For small equipment, our materials are far beyond the conventional standards in terms of energy density, power density and stability." Introduction by Jung. In the future, electric vehicles and other equipment can also use this new capacitor. Because it is extremely flexible and can bend, it can also be combined with wearable devices.

Of course, the team of Central University of Florida also pointed out that there is still a period of time to realize the commercial mass production of super batteries, and this product will bring some new inspiration to battery technology research and development.
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