Скорость проникновения транспортных средств на новых источниках энергии - Оборудование для литий-ионных аккумуляторов

Полутвердотельные аккумуляторы увеличивают запас хода -Оборудование для литий-ионных аккумуляторов

29 июн 2022

Li Zhen, chairman of Guoxuan Hi-Tech, said recently that Guoxuan Hi-Tech will produce 300GWh of battery cells in 2025. In addition, the company has achieved a cruising range of more than 1,000 kilometers for domestic high-end pure electric vehicles with semi-solid batteries.

It is understood that the current Guoxuan Hi-Tech semi-solid battery is mainly based on safety, and its performance can achieve 610Wh/L, 300Wh/kg, and 1000 cycles, and its safety can meet the needs of high-end customers. By 2023, Guoxuan Hi-Tech will enter the development stage of high-performance solid-state batteries. The goal is to produce all-solid-state batteries with an energy density of over 800Wh/L, over 400Wh/kg, and 800 cycles after 2025.(Lithium - Ion Battery Equipment)

Previously, Xu Xingwu, vice president of Guoxuan Hi-Tech, once said that it is completely dependent on solid-state batteries, the conductivity has not yet reached the level of liquid state, and the interface is difficult to solve, so a compromise method is adopted. The compromise is the solid-liquid mixed electrolyte, or semi-solid-state battery. Most of the companies’ solid-state batteries in the industry are at this stage.

Li Zhen also mentioned that battery cost reduction and performance improvement are the keys to promoting the development of electric vehicles. The production and manufacturing of automobile batteries consumes a lot of energy. Recently, the company has reduced the power consumption required to produce 1GW batteries by about 50% through technical breakthroughs recently. At the same time, the company is also looking for other energy-saving production methods. For example, battery anode materials have the highest energy consumption of all materials, and the graphitization process of each 10,000-ton anode consumes 100 million kWh of electricity.

Guoxuan Hi-Tech plans to produce 300GWh of batteries by 2025, which will require 300,000 tons of anode materials, which means that it will consume more than 3 billion kWh of electricity a year. The company plans to build a graphitized anode plant in Wuhai, and plans to use 40 square kilometers of land for solar power generation, which is exactly 3 billion kWh, which can meet all the negative polarization electricity needs of the company's graphitized materials.

According to Li Zhen, "Without progress in materials science, there will be no progress in battery science. Nearly 1,000 of Guoxuan Hi-Tech's more than 2,000 R&D personnel are engaged in material science research. Materials science will become the main body of new energy vehicles." The semi-solid battery for domestic high-end pure electric vehicles has achieved a cruising range of more than 1,000 kilometers, which is doubled compared to its first-generation model.
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