Прогресс в области литий-ионных аккумуляторов на водородном топливе - Оборудование для литий-ионных аккумуляторов

Прогресс в области транспортных средств с литиевыми батареями, работающими на водородном топливе - Оборудование для литий-ионных аккумуляторов

12 октября 2022

The US Department of Energy approved a US $6 million fund for Ford Motor Company and Los Alamos National Laboratory to accelerate the development of hydrogen fuel cell technology.

Debbie Dingell, the representative of D-Dearborn in the United States, jointly announced the approval of the grant on Thursday. Dingell said in a statement: "Ford Motor Company will help lead the research and development of the next generation technology in the United States, making American vehicles cleaner, safer and more fuel-efficient. This announcement will help accelerate the innovation of clean energy technology in the United States, and ensure that Michigan and the United States are at the forefront of future automobile and truck research and development."(Lithium - Ion Battery Equipment)

Ford Motor Company said in the press release: "Our company is honored that the US Department of Energy can select us to be responsible for the research and development of this project. This authorization will further promote our research and development achievements and develop the next generation of automotive technology."

Dearborn auto manufacturers will use this fund to develop low-cost product systems for hydrogen fuel power cells. Because hydrogen fuel power cells are too expensive, few models on the market use such batteries. Even if there is, the price is not competitive.

Toyota has sold Toyota Mirai hydrogen fuel cell vehicles in California since the end of last year, but only 270 vehicles were sold in the first seven months of this year, because the starting price of this model reached 58000 dollars (excluding federal and state taxes). The down payment is 4000 dollars, and if the consumer rents, the cost is not less than 600 dollars/month. Today, there are less than 30 hydrogen filling stations in California, and the state government plans to add new hydrogen filling stations in the next two years.

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe regards hydrogen fuel cell vehicles as a part of the "hydrogen society", and hydrogen fuel power cells will also become an important source of energy for the heating and cooling system of the building. The Japanese government plans to spend 42.5 billion yen (about 385 million US dollars) as a subsidy for the purchase of hydrogen fuel vehicles and the construction of hydrogen refueling stations for the 2020 Olympic Games in Japan.

According to the 2014 Fuel Power Cell Technology Market Report released by the US Department of Energy, hydrogen energy and fuel power cells increased from US $1.3 billion in 2013 to US $2.2 billion in 2014. In 2014, the global shipment of fuel power cells increased by 50000.

Honda will sell its Clarity hydrogen fuel cell vehicle in the United States this year, while Hyundai has provided a fuel cell version of Tucson crossover vehicle. General Motors is committed to a fuel power battery pack and hydrogen storage tank for Honda. The company hopes to be listed before 2020.

Ford Motor Company joined the example project from 2005 to 2009, which was mainly funded by the US Department of Energy. 30 Ford Focus fuel power cell vehicles were allocated in the test vehicles for the research use of the project.
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