Сравнение литий-ионных аккумуляторов и литий-ионных аккумуляторов на водородном топливе Оборудование для литий-ионных аккумуляторов

Сравнение характеристик литий-ионных аккумуляторов и литий-ионных аккумуляторов, работающих на водородном топливе

06 мая 2022

Performance comparison of lithium and hydrogen fuel powered lithium batteries. In this field, lithium-ion battery electric vehicles are well-deserved protagonists, but frequent accidents often make people sweat. Meanwhile, the future of the increasingly aggressive hydrogen fuel is uncertain. It remains to be seen whether lithium-ion batteries or hydrogen fuel can carry the flag and help new energy become a port for wind energy.

Performance Comparison of Lithium and Hydrogen Fuel Powered Lithium Batteries

From a technical point of view alone, hydrogen fuel-powered lithium batteries are much better than power lithium-ion batteries. For example, the charging time of the hydrogen fuel-powered lithium battery is 3 minutes, 5 minutes, and the roof is extended by 10 minutes and 20 minutes. Heavy-duty trucks with a driving range of up to 300 kilometers, 500 kilometers, 700 kilometers, or even 1,000 kilometers and 2,000 kilometers can do it, but pure electric vehicles cannot. In addition, the use of hydrogen fuel-powered lithium batteries is non-polluting, even if it is non-polluting after disassembly, but the battery is contaminated when disassembled.

Hydrogen fuel-powered lithium batteries have high energy storage density, light weight and long cruising range. Usually more than 500 kilometers, but according to the battery capacity of pure electric vehicles, most of the current pure electric vehicles have a driving range of about 300 kilometers, and a few models can reach 400 to 500 kilometers.

If from the technical difficulty and cost of both sides, the technical difficulty of lithium-ion batteries is relatively small, and the processing is relatively mature. At the same time, the entire manufacturing industry chain is perfect, in the stage of expanding scale effect, and the key hydrogen fuel power lithium battery proton Exchange membrane materials, catalysts, double plates are in a blank state, the basic domestic industrial chain and manufacturing costs and construction costs of gas stations, and so on.

Unlike traditional lithium-ion batteries, fuel-powered lithium batteries can be quickly filled with fuel within 3-5 minutes and last longer. For traditional new energy vehicle charging, this has become a luxury.

Lithium-ion batteries and hydrogen fuel-powered lithium batteries are equally powerful, each with their own advantages and disadvantages

Lithium-ion batteries are inexpensive and more commercially mature, making them a natural choice for electric vehicle manufacturers. However, its characteristics such as low energy density, flammability, toxic reaction products, and slow charging speed are also potential hidden dangers, especially after mass production, various problems will naturally magnify.(Lithium - Ion Battery Equipment)

To sum up, as the power source of automobiles, hydrogen fuel-powered lithium batteries have the advantages of high energy density, long cruising range, short charging time, light weight, and large performance improvement space compared with lithium-ion batteries. Ouyang Minggao, a professor at Tsinghua University, said that the most likely relationship between hydrogen fuel-powered lithium batteries and lithium-ion batteries in the future is coexistence.

Characteristics of hydrogen fuel powered lithium battery

no pollution

Hydrogen fuel-powered lithium batteries do not pollute the environment. It is through electrochemical reaction, not through combustion (gasoline, diesel) or energy storage (battery). Assuming the hydrogen is produced from renewable sources (photovoltaic panels, wind, etc.), the entire cycle is a complete process, with no harmful emissions.

no noise

The fuel-powered lithium battery is quiet, with a noise of about 55 decibels, which is equivalent to the volume of a normal conversation. This makes fuel-powered lithium batteries suitable for indoor installations, or outdoors where noise is limited.


The power generation efficiency of fuel-powered lithium batteries can reach more than 50%, depending on the conversion properties of fuel-powered lithium batteries. Chemical energy is directly converted into electrical energy without intermediate conversion between thermal energy and mechanical energy (generator).

There are many battery technologies out there, but lithium is the largest market share. In the competition between hydrogen fuel-powered lithium battery vehicles and lithium-ion battery vehicles, lithium-ion battery pure electric vehicles currently have an advantage. The biggest disadvantage of hydrogen fuel-powered lithium battery vehicles is the high manufacturing cost. So it's too early to tell who will win and who will lose. After all, battery technology and designs are changing rapidly, and one of them will eventually take the top spot.
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