Новая технология литиевых батарей в Нидерландах - Оборудование для литий-ионных аккумуляторов

Нидерланды разрабатывают новую технологию литиевых аккумуляторов - Оборудование для литий-ионных аккумуляторов

26 октября 2022

The Energy research center of the Netherlands (ECN) has developed a new energy storage technology for lithium-ion batteries, which is said to increase the storage capacity of rechargeable batteries by 50%.

In order to commercialize this new invention, ECN has also established a start-up company, Leyden JarTechnologies.

This technology uses pure silicon anode to replace the graphite anode traditionally used in lithium-ion batteries, thus increasing the storage capacity of lithium-ion battery components by 10 times and the storage capacity of the entire battery by 50%. However, the problem of using silicon crystal is that when the battery is charged, it will expand with it, making the size of the module increase by three times, which may make the silicon layer brittle and cause the battery material to break.(Lithium - Ion Battery Equipment)

ECN uses plasma based nanotechnology to arrange silicon pillars on copper foil, thus creating enough space for possible expansion to keep the battery stable. For commercial applications, this silicon layer will eventually be about 10 microns thinner, almost 10 times thinner than a piece of paper.

ECN researcher Wim Soppe has been exploring this material since he started developing thin film solar cells 12 years ago. He said, "For solar cells, this material is not stable, but we found that this technology has great potential for lithium ion batteries."

Sjoerd Wittkampf, the technology transfer manager of ECN, said that the world has invested heavily in research and expects to further improve lithium ion batteries. "In this regard, major breakthroughs are announced almost every few weeks. These new discoveries usually focus on materials that can only be produced on a small scale in a laboratory environment."

"The reason why the development results of ECN are so promising is that the technology for mass production of this material is close at hand, because it is similar to the current production process for solar cells. We believe that this will help us bring unique advantages. After the establishment of LeydenJarTechnologies, we will transfer this technology, and eventually make it listed, to seek the best fit between the battery industry and venture capital (VC).

Chris TIAN Rod, co-founder of Leyden JarTechnologies, said, "Due to the widespread application of lithium-ion batteries, the newly established company will focus on three important market areas, namely electric vehicles (EV), consumer electronics, and renewable energy storage."

"The goal is to supply technology to large battery manufacturers. In future demonstration plants, we hope to produce silicon anodes for the first batch of customers and demonstrate the competitiveness of this technology in mass production."
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