Материалы топливной батареи - наноматериалы -Оборудование для литий-ионных аккумуляторов

Материалы топливной батареи - наноматериалы -Оборудование для литий-ионных аккумуляторов

09 мар 2023

Scientists at the University of Rice University are exploring a method: how to improve the cost and benefits of fuel cells by optimizing the cathode nanomaterials, and explains the atomic mechanism of doping nanomaterial catalytic oxygen reactions (ORR). Nitrogen doped carbon nanotubes (CNTS) or modified graphene nanozois can become a feasible alternative to platinum in fast oxygen restoration, and transform chemical energy into electrical energy. This process is the main response of fuel cells.

Because they have good conductivity and mechanicality, high -performance and good -designed carbon materials are the key to oxygen reduction reactions. As researchers Xiaolongzou talked about in "MaterialStoday": "The development of high -efficiency catalysts in cathode oxygen reactions is crucial to large -scale applications of proton exchange membrane fuel cells." According to NANOSCALE magazine [zouet.al. NANOSCALE (2017) DOI: 10.1039/C7NR08061A] can be seen that through computer simulation, the research team studied why the carbon nanotubes of graphene nano and nitrogen/boron -doped were too slow, and how to improve.(Lithium - Ion Battery Equipment)

Conductive nanotubes or doped nanozones change their chemical bonds, which helps them use as cathode in proton exchange membrane fuel cells. In a standard fuel cell, the anode is added with hydrogen fuel, and it is then separated into protons and electrons. When negative electron outflow becomes available current, protons are pulled into the cathode and the electron and electronics and oxygen to generate water.

It is found that due to the interaction between doping agents and the deformation of the chemical bonds, the more ultra -thin carbon nanotubes of nitrogen doped can play the most effectively. Nano tubes are better than nano in this regard. Because of their curvature, the edge of the chemical bond is distorted to make it easier to combine. They found that the ultra -thin nano -nanoplasses with radius between 7 and 10 are the most ideal.

The development of high -efficiency catalysts in the development of cathode oxygen reactions is essential for large -scale applications of proton exchange membrane fuel cells.

It also proves that the rich edges are rich in nano -tubes that are doping nitrogen and boron. Here, oxygen provides the opportunity to form double bonds, because they can directly connect to the boron doping point with a positive charge. As BORISYAKOBSON said: "Although the doped nano -tube shows a good prospect, it can expose the so -called pyridine nitrogen (which has known catalytic activity) at the edge of the nano -ziggle, so it may achieve the best performance."

Now, the team hopes to develop a new method to study the nano -level electrochemical process in real time, as well as better interaction between doped and defective carbon materials to improve performance.
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