Литиевые аккумуляторы для защиты окружающей среды-Литий-ионное аккумуляторное оборудование

Автомобили с литиевыми батареями становятся основным средством защиты окружающей среды - Оборудование для литий-ионных аккумуляторов

25 октября 2022

China's new energy vehicle industry has achieved rapid development under the promotion of various overlapping policies of the government. According to the data of China Automobile Association, in 2016, the sales volume of new energy vehicles in China reached 507000, with gratifying results. However, there are still many problems hidden behind the achievements: the core technology has not been broken through, the company pays more attention to scale than innovation, and relies on subsidies. On January 14, the China Electric Vehicle Hundred Talents Forum (2017) was held in Beijing, focusing on the core issues of the development of new energy vehicles. As an important cooperative media, Phoenix Automobile will bring you the wonderful event of the forum at the first time. The following is the transcript of President Ichiro Aoping, chief technical officer of Toyota Motor Corporation in Asia Pacific.(Lithium - Ion Battery Equipment)

General Ichiro Aoping, Chief Technical Officer of Toyota Motor Corporation in Asia Pacific Region

Good evening, ladies and gentlemen! I am also honored to have the opportunity to speak at the China Electric Vehicle Hundred People's Conference Forum. Today, I will share with you Toyota's vision of a sustainable society, especially a hydrogen society and fuel powered lithium battery vehicles. I believe that our automobile industry should reduce the impact on the environment as much as possible. In order to meet the environmental standards of 2050, Toyota officially announced the environmental challenges facing 2050 in October 2015. In this regard, as shown on the slide, we have found six key challenges, the first one, the new zero carbon emission vehicles. The goal is to reduce the carbon emissions of new vehicles by 90% by 2050, accelerate the development of hybrid and plug-in hybrid vehicles, and promote zero emission vehicles, including fuel powered lithium batteries and pure electric vehicles. However, by 2050, HEVs and PHEVs will still use traditional engines, so energy-saving technology can be said to be very important for future carbon emission reduction.

As shown in the figure, we can see that the characteristics of different environment-friendly companies are summarized. Toyota considers carbon emissions, mileage, refueling and charging time. I believe that EV and FCEV will lead the future. Toyota officially announced MIRAI, a fuel powered lithium battery vehicle, to enter the market in 2014, and we have now completed the internal structure of early electric vehicle market introduction, Considering the different energy needs, infrastructure, laws and regulations of each country, I would like to talk about hydrogen energy and fuel powered lithium battery vehicles today.

As shown in the figure, what are the benefits of FCEV? The most important benefit is that like electric vehicles, FCEVs can have a longer driving range, and hydrogen refueling takes only a few minutes. In this case, users have a better experience and driving is very fun.

As shown in the figure, this is Toyota's vision for future travel. Just mentioned hybrid and plug-in, I believe it can meet the basic consumer needs. For pure electric vehicles, we still have challenges in terms of mileage and charging time. I think it is better to use it in short distance automatic driving. For fuel powered lithium battery vehicles, its mileage is longer than electric vehicles, and the charging time is shorter, but it needs new infrastructure.

So why do we think that fuel powered lithium battery vehicles will become the next eco-friendly mainstream technology?

The first reason is that there will be no carbon dioxide in the use of hydrogen. If the use of hydrogen can exceed the whole or the whole automobile industry, and GM is in the whole society, our contribution to reducing carbon dioxide emissions will become very large.

The second reason is related to energy security. Hydrogen can be extracted from a variety of important energy sources, so it does not have some special concerns. For example, we may be affected by the depletion of petroleum energy. If we can produce hydrogen through an electrical system, such as a hydrolysis system, or produce hydrogen through wind and solar clean energy, we can better benefit the public, Such energy can also help us to build a low-carbon society.

At present, there are a variety of activities and research to help us achieve such a low-carbon society. For example, reducing the use of electric energy and using clean energy to generate electricity can help us to encourage the whole society to reduce the use of carbon, and can also better help us to achieve a hydrogen based society. It can not only help the progress of the entire industry, but also help us to achieve the development of such a low-carbon society in our daily life.
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