Япония последовательно запустила в производство новые аккумуляторы - оборудование для литий-ионных аккумуляторов

Япония и Южная Корея последовательно запустили новые аккумуляторы - оборудование для литий-ионных аккумуляторов

24 Окт 2022

Limited by the technical level of power lithium-ion battery, new energy vehicles have low range, short life (low charging and discharging times) and high attenuation rate, which hinder the large-scale application of new energy vehicles. Recently, South Korea and Japan have announced breakthroughs in power lithium-ion battery material technology, and the cost of power lithium-ion battery will decrease in the future.

South Korea: Power lithium-ion battery capacity increased by 45%

Information from the online edition of the academic journal Natural Energy shows that the research team of the Ulsan Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST) in South Korea has recently developed a cathode material for secondary batteries, which can increase the capacity of existing batteries by 45%, that is, the range of electric vehicles is at least 100 kilometers more than the current 200 kilometers.

The research team successfully increased the battery capacity by developing "graphite silicon composite material" to replace the existing battery with graphite electrode. The new electrode is made by injecting 20 nanometer (1 billionth of a meter) silicon particles between graphite molecules. In addition to improving the endurance mileage, the new technology greatly shortens the charging and discharging time, and the charging and discharging speed of the battery is more than 30% faster than the existing battery.(Lithium - Ion Battery Equipment)

It is expected that the batch production of such new batteries will be relatively easy and will have a strong price competitive advantage in the future.

Japan: Developing Lithium Ion Battery without Cobalt

Information from Panasonic Electric shows that Japan has developed new materials for lithium-ion batteries without rare metal cobalt, and has trial produced new lithium-ion batteries.

The research team led by Yoshida Runichi, a professor at Kyoto University of Panasonic Electric, Japan, has developed a new organic material using lithium and carbon, and successfully trial produced a new type of lithium ion battery without cobalt as electrode material. The test results show that the battery made of the new material has the same capacity as the lithium-ion battery with cobalt electrode. The lithium ion battery is expected to get rid of the dependence on cobalt and greatly reduce the production cost.

Another advantage of lithium-ion batteries made of this new material is that they have longer battery life and lower decay rate. The experimental results show that the lithium ion battery produced by this new material has been charged and discharged for 100 times, but the attenuation of the battery capacity does not exceed 20%. Panasonic Electric plans to improve this new material, hoping to increase the battery charging and discharging times to 500 to 1000 times, and then carry out commercial production.
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