Глобальное развитие свинцово-кислотных аккумуляторов - Оборудование для литий-ионных аккумуляторов

Глобальное развитие свинцово-кислотных аккумуляторов - Оборудование для литий-ионных аккумуляторов

16 июн 2022

Global lead-acid battery industry development

Lead-acid battery refers to a battery whose electrodes are mainly made of lead and its oxides, and the electrolyte is a sulfuric acid solution. Widely used in automobiles, motorcycles, communications, new energy, transportation, electricity and many other fields.

Global lead-acid battery market competition status

From the perspective of the global production capacity of lead-acid batteries, China is a major producer, accounting for about 45% of the world's production, followed by the United States, accounting for about 32%, and Japan ranks third, accounting for nearly 13%. And Germany etc. The leading manufacturers of lead-acid batteries in the world in terms of sales mainly include the American Rayault Group, the EXIDE Group (including the German Sunshine Company), the Japanese Yuasa Company, the Xiendi Company and the Japanese Panasonic Company.(Lithium - Ion Battery Equipment)

Lead-acid batteries are the largest battery products in the world, accounting for 50% of all batteries and 70% of rechargeable batteries. Even in the most developed countries and regions in the world, such as Europe, America and Japan, they still produce and Use lead-acid batteries. In the lead-acid battery product structure, starter lead-acid batteries account for the largest proportion, reaching 48%, followed by power lead-acid batteries, accounting for 28%, and backup and energy storage lead-acid batteries, accounting for 15%.

From the perspective of the number of competitions, industry growth rate, exit barriers, degree of homogeneity, and competition level, the industry is in a mature stage, and the overall quality of the industry is uneven. Most companies focus on low-end products, fighting price wars, and existing companies compete fierce.

Multinational companies accelerate their layout in the Chinese market

China's huge market potential and cheap resources have always been an important incentive for multinational companies to invest directly. In recent years, market competition has intensified, raw material prices have risen, and multinational companies are facing more intense market competition. , the value of multinational companies entering China has gradually increased.

90% of the multinational companies that have entered the Chinese market intend to make additional investments, and their investment fields extend from the original manufacturing industry to various upstream and downstream industries such as R&D, service, and sales. The gradually entering value links lack effective integration with each other, and the synergistic effect cannot be fully exerted. The above reasons require multinational companies to re-integrate resources and capabilities in China in order to exert synergies and obtain maximum economic benefits.

1Mergers and reorganizations to expand business scope

Foreign capital has entered China's lead-acid battery industry through joint ventures and mergers and acquisitions of domestic enterprises. For example, Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd. and Shenyang Northeast Storage Battery Co., Ltd. jointly established Panasonic Storage Battery (Shenyang) Co., Ltd. Of course, after China's accession to the WTO, it is inevitable for foreign capital to enter China's capital market and conduct joint ventures and mergers and acquisitions of Chinese enterprises. Foreign investors with both capital and high-tech and advanced management experience should be welcomed. When foreign capital, technology and management enter the Chinese market, it also promotes the improvement of China's industrial technology level and competitiveness.

2Increase technology research and development efforts

The investment of multinational companies in China focuses on technology research and development, and the investment in research and development in China is increasing. Multinational companies in the lead-acid battery industry enter China to carry out a strong alliance strategy with well-developed, long-history or relatively advanced companies in China, so as to gradually grow and develop and occupy the Chinese domestic market.

3 Implement localized management

While implementing globalization strategies, multinational corporations actively implement localization strategies, whether it is employees, operation models, or even suppliers, with nearly 100% localized management. In this way, on the one hand, production costs can be reduced, products and services can be supplied locally, and an industrial supply chain can be formed locally; To enable enterprises to better enter the Chinese market.
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