Глобальная разработка транспортных средств с топливными батареями Оборудование для литий-ионных аккумуляторов

Глобальное развитие транспортных средств на топливных элементах - Оборудование для литий-ионных аккумуляторов

01 июл 2022

Fuel-powered cell vehicles: South Korea spends a lot of money to help the development of its hydrogen fuel system, while the European Union proposes to deploy fuel vehicles in the capital, but Trump wants to abolish the fuel economy standards of the former President Obama administration? ?

①South Korea’s $2.3 billion boosts the development of the hydrogen fuel ecosystem and plans to launch 15,000 hydrogen-powered vehicles in 2022: South Korea’s Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy said on Tuesday that the government will invest 2.6 trillion won (about $2.34 billion) to promote South Korea’s hydrogen Ecosystem development of fuel vehicles, and plans to put 15,000 hydrogen-powered vehicles on the road by 2022, and install 310 hydrogen-powered vehicle charging stations.(Lithium - Ion Battery Equipment)

②The EU proposes the deployment of hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicles in three European capitals: Recently, the EU initiative hopes to deploy hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicles in the capitals of three European countries for use as taxis, private rental cars and police cars. The move will accelerate the commercialization of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles and help achieve the goal of emission-free transportation.

③ US President Trump plans to repeal the fuel economy standards of former President Obama's administration, and believes that California should control the authority of the state of California on fuel economy regulations.

Comments: First of all, it is necessary to popularize science, fuel power cells are power generation equipment rather than power storage equipment. It uses fuel (mostly hydrogen) and oxygen to continuously convert chemical energy into electrical energy through electrochemical reaction to supply power for automobile lights and traffic equipment. Because the fuel power cell is not only efficient, but also has only water as its reactant, it is completely the king of clean energy. Therefore, countries such as Japan, the United States and Europe have already deployed the development plan of fuel power cells.

According to the forecast of Japan's Fuji Economy, the global fuel power cell system market size will increase to 328.1 billion yuan in 2025, of which the stationary fuel power cell system market size will reach 141.9 billion yuan, and the transportation equipment fuel power cell market size will reach 184.2 billion yuan.

In terms of fuel-powered cell vehicles, according to Informationtrends estimates, fuel-powered cell vehicles will become the fastest-growing segment of the global auto market by 2030. It is estimated that by 2032, global fuel cell vehicle sales will reach 5 million, with sales exceeding $250 billion.

However, due to its high research and development costs, Informationtrends data shows that the cumulative sales of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles in the world from 2013 to 2017 were only 6,475. In this regard, analysts at GlobalMarketInsights believe that the government's financial subsidies may be an important driving force for the increase in the level of hydrogen fuel technology research and development and the increase in the number of hydrogenation facilities.

Europe is the first region to plan to deploy fuel-powered cells. As early as 2008, the EU launched the Fuel Power Cell and Hydrogen Joint Action Plan (FCH-JU), and from 2008 to 2013, a total of 940 million euros was invested in the research and development of fuel power cells and hydrogen energy. In 2011, another 123 million euros were invested in the construction of 77 hydrogen refueling stations.

The Japanese government also encouraged the development of the fuel power cell industry in 2009 by means of purchasing subsidies, free hydrogen refueling, lending industry standards, and formulating long-term plans. According to the "Hydrogen Fuel Cell Strategic Development Roadmap" published by Japan in 2014, the number of fuel cell devices will reach 1.4 million and 5.3 million in 2020 and 2030, respectively. By the end of 2017, Japan had built 91 public hydrogen refueling stations, leading the world in number.

The U.S. government provides financial support and tax relief to new energy companies including fuel power cells, implements 30%-50% tax credits for fuel power cells and any hydrogen energy infrastructure construction, and allocated funds to the Department of Energy in 2012 $6.3 billion for R&D and demonstration of clean energy. In July 2014, 8 states, including California, signed the "Zero Emission Vehicle Cooperation Agreement", and strive to achieve zero emissions from 3.3 million vehicles in the region by 2020, accounting for 22% of the total.
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