Технология литий-титанатных аккумуляторов -Оборудование для литий-ионных аккумуляторов

Развитие технологии литий-титанатных аккумуляторов -Оборудование для литий-ионных аккумуляторов

28 июл 2022

The development of lithium titanate battery technology at home and abroad

Since the industrialization of lithium-ion batteries in 1991, the negative electrode data of batteries in the world has been graphite. Abstract Since the late 1990s, lithium titanate has been considered as a negative electrode material for new lithium-ion batteries due to its excellent properties. For example, the crystal structure of lithium titanate can maintain high stability during the intercalation and deintercalation of lithium ions, and the lattice constant does not change much.(Lithium - Ion Battery Equipment)

This zero-strain electrode data greatly extends the cycle life of lithium titanate batteries. Lithium titanate has the characteristics of three-dimensional lithium ion diffusion channels in spinel structure, and has good power characteristics and high and low temperature functions. Compared with the carbon anode data, lithium titanate has a higher potential (1.55v higher than metal lithium), which leads to the widespread presence of solid and liquid layers on the surface of the electrolyte, while the carbon anode is basically not formed on the surface of lithium titanate.

More importantly, it is difficult to form lithium dendrites on the surface of lithium titanate in normal battery voltage planning. This largely eliminates the possibility of lithium dendrites causing short circuits in the battery. Therefore, among the various lithium-ion batteries that the author has seen, the safety of lithium-ion batteries with lithium titanate as the negative electrode is the highest.

Most people in the industry have heard of lithium-ion battery cycling, where lithium titanate replaces graphite as the cathode material, and can last tens of thousands of times longer than typical lithium-ion batteries.

Because most lithium pros never actually start making lithium titanate batteries, or they just get stuck a few times and end up with nothing. So they didn't take a moment to think about why most conventional lithium-ion batteries make perfect cells but only last 1,000 to 2,000 cycles.

Graphite anode, a fundamental component of traditional Li-ion batteries, is difficult to withstand high loads. Is this the root cause of the battery's short cycle life? Once the graphite anode is replaced by a spinel lithium titanate anode, the same Li-ion battery chemistry can Loop tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of times.

Others, while many talk with interest about the low energy density of lithium titanate batteries, ignore the simple but important fact that lithium titanate batteries have extremely long cycle life, excellent safety , excellent power characteristics and excellent economy. These characteristics will become an important pillar of the large-scale planning of the emerging lithium energy storage industry.

In the past 10 years, research on lithium titanate battery technology at home and abroad has been in full swing. Its industrial chain can be divided into lithium titanate data preparation, lithium titanate battery production and lithium titanate battery system integration and its application in electric vehicles and energy storage malls.
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