Основная технология бытовых ионно-натриевых аккумуляторов - Оборудование для литий-ионных аккумуляторов

Основная технология бытовых ионно-натриевых аккумуляторов - Оборудование для литий-ионных аккумуляторов

28 октября 2022

According to the Liaoning Daily, the sodium ion battery independently developed by Liaoning Xingkong Sodium Battery Co., Ltd. has entered the mass production stage recently, and the world's first sodium ion battery production line has also been put into operation.

The sodium ion battery independently developed by Liaoning Xingkong Sodium Battery Co., Ltd. has three characteristics of safety, economy and environmental protection. Tested by the national authority, the product performance indicators have reached the international advanced level, and the annual output value is expected to exceed 10 billion yuan after large-scale production.(Lithium - Ion Battery Equipment)

Nearly 70% of global power generation is thermal power generation, which makes electric energy storage show a broad application prospect in the fields of peak shaving and frequency modulation, distributed generation and smart micro grid. Compared with other batteries, the sodium ion battery of Starlight Sodium has three characteristics of safety, economy and environmental protection, and can be recycled for more than 4000 times. It can not only be used in all aspects of power generation, transmission, distribution, transmission and use, but also can be widely used in various fields of production and life. At present, Xingkong Sodium Power has received 10 billion orders from State Grid Liaoning Comprehensive Energy Co., Ltd., and the annual output value will reach more than 10 billion yuan after reaching the capacity of large-scale production and application next year.

Xinwangda: It is developing cutting-edge sodium ion battery products, and has carried out patent layout for relevant phased technical achievements.

Great Wall of China: The 48V10Ah sodium ion battery pack developed by its subsidiaries has successfully achieved demonstration application on electric bicycles, which is the first successful case of sodium ion battery demonstration application in China.
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