Технология переработки литиевых аккумуляторов BYD - Оборудование для литий-ионных аккумуляторов

Технология переработки литиевых аккумуляторов BYD - Оборудование для литий-ионных аккумуляторов

18 Окт 2022

Recently, BYD second-hand batteries have become the "sweet cake" for the first time. According to foreign media reports, BYD has established a new cooperative relationship with Itochu. The latter will purchase second-hand power batteries recycled by BYD and convert them into large batteries. It will be sold to Europe, America, Africa and other regions in 2021.

Like fuel vehicles, new energy vehicles also have their own service life, of which the most concerned is the treatment of old power batteries.

Generally speaking, the service life of the on-board power battery is generally 5-8 years. Considering various factors such as safety, it is generally stipulated that the on-board battery must be replaced when its capacity declines to 80% of the new battery capacity.

However, these obsolete old batteries still have application value in some fields with lower performance requirements. Therefore, many people have their eyes on this big cake.

It is reported that Itochu has developed a system that can put about 160 interconnected BYD batteries into a special 20 foot container. One unit (providing about 1000 kilowatt hours of capacity, enough to provide 100 households with electricity for a day.

The company's goal is to keep the price of the power storage system below 150000 yen per kilowatt hour. Itochu believes that the cost of its system will be at least 20% - 30.5% lower than that of the newly built industrial sector.

In fact, not only Japan, but also Europe, America and other countries are eyeing the old battery recycling business. The sales of pure electric vehicles in Europe are also soaring, and second-hand power batteries will also appear in the market in the future.(Lithium - Ion Battery Equipment)

Renault of France has cooperated with Mitsui Products of Japan to set up a company operating battery recycling business. It can be seen that the global battery sales competition has become very fierce.

In the future, with the popularity of electric vehicles, the recycling of waste power batteries will become more and more important. BYD itself has also built the largest echelon energy eating power station in Zhejiang using the recycled batteries of e6. The sale of second-hand batteries to foreign enterprises this time also proves that BYD's batteries are of excellent quality and have great potential for recycling.

For new energy vehicles, the core is the battery. Whether the battery technology is mature and advanced can often affect the market performance and development prospects of a car or even a car company. At present, the new energy vehicles mainly use ternary lithium batteries and lithium iron phosphate batteries, but these two types of batteries are not the best choice. Although the ternary lithium battery has a long life, its safety factor is too low. Although the lithium iron phosphate battery has high safety, its energy density is very low, which cannot meet the demand for long life. Therefore, in my opinion, the core of the current new energy battery technology innovation is to give consideration to both endurance and safety.

On March 29, 2020, BYD Auto officially launched the blade battery, which not only guarantees the endurance, but also ends the battery safety pain point and redefines the safety standards for new energy vehicles.

Previously, BYD's battery laboratory had released a video of comparative acupuncture test of ternary lithium battery, traditional lithium iron phosphate battery and blade battery. The test results were surprising: only the blade battery of the three kinds of batteries could be kept at 30-60 ℃ after being punctured, and the surface temperature of lithium iron phosphate battery reached 200-400 ℃, while the ternary lithium battery directly exploded and burned violently. The huge differences among the three types of batteries instantly reflect the advantages of blade battery safety.

In addition to high safety, strong endurance is also the advantage of blade batteries. The first new energy vehicle equipped with blade batteries, BYD Han EV, has a range of 605 kilometers, which is no less than the pure electric vehicle in the current market. Therefore, from the perspective of safety and endurance, BYD's blade battery has been ahead of the times. At the same time, the cost of more materials for BYD's blade battery is reduced by about 1/4; The battery is small, which can bring better space performance to the vehicle; Under the conditions of high temperature, overcharge, extrusion, acupuncture, etc., the probability of ignition and explosion of the electric core is low. Panda car review, fast technology
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