Литиевая батарея коммерческого класса BioSolar -Оборудование для литий-ионных аккумуляторов

Разработка литиевых батарей коммерческого класса BioSolar - Оборудование для литий-ионных аккумуляторов

19 Сен 2022

SANTA CLARITA, CA, April 24, 2018 - BioSolar Corporation (OTCQB: BSRC) ("BioSolar" or the "Company"), a leading global developer of energy storage technologies and materials, today announced that it has begun its commercial-grade prototype The first phase of battery development, aimed at demonstrating its proprietary additive technology that increases capacity while reducing the cost of next-generation lithium-ion batteries.

The initial phase of commercial prototype development consists of material design and evaluation, followed by electrode design and optimization engineering to maximize the full performance of the battery. These efforts are preparing to build a limited number of commercial-grade prototype cells at contract manufacturers. Once a prototype capable of demonstrating capability has been developed, the company intends to conduct mass production with its partners.(Lithium - Ion Battery Equipment)

Dr David Lee, CEO of BioSolar, said: "This commercial focus represents a very important stage in our progress that we believe will attract collaboration with suppliers of virgin silicon particles. "The outcome of this collaborative effort will be the An important pioneer in collaboration with manufacturers and all electronic equipment companies looking for high capacity, low cost batteries.

The move follows the company's recent announcement of a significant milestone for its innovative silicon microparticle (SiMP) anode, enhanced by its innovative silicon (Si) anode additive technology, and data showing that its technology can enable higher production capacity through lower costs .

The industry standard for Si anodes currently uses Si nanoparticles, but the difficulty of fabricating pristine Si nanoparticle materials remains an expensive challenge. In contrast, Si microparticles are easier to manufacture and cost significantly less. Unfortunately, anodes made of silicon microparticles are more prone to damage during battery charging and discharging due to volume expansion, so they are not yet commercially viable. BioSolar's innovative additive technologies are designed to address a variety of applications such as electric vehicles, residential energy storage devices, or any product that relies on advances in battery technology to achieve widespread consumer adoption.

BioSolar is developing a breakthrough technology to increase storage capacity, reduce costs and extend the life of lithium-ion batteries. A battery contains two main parts, the cathode and the anode, which together play a positive and negative role. BioSolar initially focused its development efforts on high-capacity cathode materials, since most lithium-ion batteries today are "cathode-limited." To create the company's next-generation super battery technology, BioSolar is currently researching high-capacity anode materials, recognizing the fact that overall battery capacity is determined by the combination of cathode and anode. By integrating BioSolar's high-capacity cathodes or anodes, battery makers will be able to create super lithium-ion batteries, doubling Tesla's ability to power an iPhone for two consecutive days, or to store solar energy during the day for use at night. BioSolar's vision is to develop breakthrough energy technologies, with previous success stories including the world's first UL-certified bio-based backsheet for solar panels.
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