Технология балансировки силовой литиевой батареи -Оборудование для литий-ионных аккумуляторов

Технология балансировки аккумуляторов решает проблему литиевых батарей -Оборудование для литий-ионных аккумуляторов

09 Ноя 2022

With the accelerated pace of technological innovation related to new energy vehicles at home and abroad, the industrialization of new energy vehicles is facing a stage of development. However, the process of industrialization is slow. The root cause is that the consistency between lithium-ion battery packs is difficult to meet the needs of new energy vehicles. Today, the lithium-ion battery balance scheme brings dawn to solve the consistency problem.

The pace of innovation of new energy vehicle related technologies at home and abroad is accelerating, and the industrialization of new energy vehicles, especially pure electric vehicles, is also going on day and night. However, there are always some key technologies that hinder the development of the new energy vehicle industry, and the consistency of the power battery is one of them. With the increasing requirements of users for the performance of pure electric vehicles, the problem of battery consistency has become an unavoidable "obstacle" in the face of industrial development. How to effectively solve the problem of battery consistency has become the key to the healthy development of the new energy vehicle industry.(Lithium - Ion Battery Equipment)

The consistency of lithium-ion battery groups needs to be solved urgently

Lithium ion power battery is the key component of new energy vehicles. The consistency of its battery groups is particularly important for the life of power battery groups, vehicle safety and other aspects. In practical application, due to the differences between battery packs, a single battery in the battery pack will fail first, which will form the "Donomi effect", resulting in the overall failure of the entire battery pack, seriously affecting the safety and service life of the battery pack, and threatening the normal use of the vehicle.

The change of lithium battery consistency is a process of continuous accumulation. The longer the application time is, the greater the difference between single batteries will be. At the same time, the use environment will also cause differences in the consistency between individual batteries.

The reasons for the differences in the consistency of lithium batteries mainly include the following aspects: First, the battery production materials lead to slight differences in the performance of battery cells due to different batches; Secondly, even for the battery materials of the same batch, because of the defects in the process, such as the slight changes in the temperature and humidity of the production environment, there will be consistency differences in the batteries of the same batch produced; Thirdly, even though the battery capacity and internal resistance of the same model in the same batch may also have differences, even if the technological processes such as batching and live pulp are strictly controlled in the production process, the differences between batch products can only be reduced as much as possible, but the consistency problem cannot be completely solved.

Common lithium battery equalization schemes

In addition to controlling battery materials and production processes to reduce the overall performance degradation caused by differences between batteries, balanced technical means can usually be used to solve the battery consistency problem.

The lithium battery equalization technology refers to the human intervention to make the comprehensive performance of all batteries in the battery pack consistent after the lithium batteries are grouped. Its purpose is to ensure that the performance of the battery pack can be fully played and the safety of the battery in use. According to the energy consumption of the circuit in the process of equalization, equalization can be divided into energy dissipation type and energy non consumption type.

Energy dissipation equalization is realized by shunting a resistor in parallel to each battery in the battery pack for discharge. This circuit has a simple structure. It only consumes the energy of the single battery with high capacity. There are problems such as energy waste and thermal management, which may cause potential safety hazards and accelerate battery aging. Therefore, energy dissipation equalization is usually applicable to small battery packs with low requirements for equalization current.
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