Модернизированная промышленная пылеулавливающая машина-Литиевое аккумуляторное оборудование

  • Upgraded industrial dust removal machine-Lithium battery equipment
  • Upgraded industrial dust removal machine-Lithium battery equipment

Модернизированная промышленная пылеулавливающая машина-Литиевое аккумуляторное оборудование

The product cleaning method is online cleaning|Lithium battery equipment

Product Details
Lithium battery equipment
With the continuous filtration conditions, the accumulation of dust on the outer surface of the filter barrel will be more and more, which will increase the operating resistance of the equipment, when it reaches a certain degree, the dust collector begins to clean. The cleaning method of this product is online cleaning. When the pulse valve is opened, the compressed air in the cylinder ejects a high speed and high pressure jet through the pulse valve, which makes the instant positive pressure in the filter barrel and produces swelling and micro-movement; And the formation of a wave from the mouth of the cylinder is quickly transmitted to the bottom of the cylinder, so as to shed the dust deposited on the filter material and achieve ash cleaning. According to the control system setting, the dust collector enters the cleaning of the next group of filter drums, and the cycle continues.
Filter system adopts imported anti-static cartridge filter to avoid electrostatic spark; Vertical installation structure, avoid the accumulation of dust, surface PTFE coating treatment, high filtration accuracy, the equivalent diameter of 0.3µm above the dust filtration efficiency of more than 99%. The filtration efficiency of the filter is 0.3-0.5μm dust, and the filtration accuracy reaches 99.97%.

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