Измерительное оборудование TESA-Micro-Hite,Испытательное оборудование。

  • Measuring Equipment TESA-Micro-Hite Testing equipment

Измерительное оборудование TESA-Micro-Hite Испытательное оборудование

Brand: TESA-Micro-Hite    Switzerland
Testing equipment

Product Details
Testing equipment
TESA-Micro-Hite is a series of height gauge products produced by TESA, a Swiss company. It has the following features:
Design features: It has an integrated design concept and is suitable for one-dimensional and two-dimensional geometric coordinate measurements, such as internal and external lengths, heights, depths, step sizes, and distances. The function of automatically searching for the highest and lowest points and its memory ability for the maximum, minimum, and their differences enable it to effectively measure circular dimensions.
Protection performance: It is equipped with a panel that prevents the penetration of liquids or dust (protection level reaches IP65) and can be used in harsh production environments with high permeability of dust particles and frequent splashing of liquids.
Display and operation: The large color screen can be read better in dim environments. The black display background has high contrast, and a large number of numbers (21 mm) can be displayed on the screen to ensure readability. Its usage philosophy is similar to that of tablets or smartphones. Quick access to measurements can be achieved from startup ( Measurement system: It adopts an electromagnetic measurement system (patented), which can ensure normal operation under workshop conditions. The integrated quick center dynamic technology can effectively determine the vertices, and the context-based online help can avoid incorrect use and undesirable results.
Autonomy: The battery has a long lifespan (60 hours), avoiding too frequent charging.
Calibration certificate: A free SCS calibration certificate is provided to avoid additional costs for recalibration at the time of initial purchase.
This series of products has multiple models, and parameters such as the measurement range and application range of different models will vary.
Измерительное оборудование TESA-Micro-Hite
Клеймо TESA-Micro-Hite Швейцария
Количество 1
Размер 600, (600 мм)
Точный 0,001 мм
Высокая точность, измерительное оборудование высокого уровня.

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