Измерительное оборудование КИМ,Координатно-измерительная машина,Испытательное оборудование.

  • Measuring Equipment CMM Testing equipment

Измерительное оборудование Испытательное оборудование для КИМ

Brand: HAXAGON    Switzerland
Testing equipment

Product Details
Testing equipment
Coordinate Measuring Machine. It is an optical measuring instrument that can measure in three directions within a three-dimensional coordinate system and can measure geometric shapes, lengths, and circular divisions, etc.
The measuring heads of the coordinate measuring machine are divided into two types: contact and non-contact. Contact measuring heads have a wide range of applications and various types. They are convenient and flexible for measurement, but they have high requirements for the measurement environment, are not portable, and have a relatively small measurement range. The commonly used contact measuring heads may cause deformation on soft surfaces during measurement, affecting the measurement uncertainty, and are not very suitable for the measurement of soft surfaces.
The coordinate measuring machine has the following advantages:
Strong flexibility: It can measure spatial coordinate points and conveniently measure the three-dimensional contour dimensions and position parameters of various parts.
High and reliable measurement accuracy.
Digital operations and program control can be conveniently carried out, with a high degree of intelligence.
It is widely used in various industrial measurement fields, such as automotive parts measurement, mold measurement, gear measurement, hardware measurement, electronic measurement, blade measurement, mechanical manufacturing, etc.
In practical applications, it is necessary to select the appropriate model and measurement method of the coordinate measuring machine according to factors such as specific measurement requirements, accuracy requirements, characteristics of the measured object, and measurement environment. At the same time, in order to ensure the accuracy of the measurement results, the coordinate measuring machine also needs to be calibrated and maintained regularly.
Измерительное оборудование КИМ
Клеймо ХАКСАГОН Швейцария
Количество 1
Размер 800x1000x575мм
Точный 0,001 мм
Сложное, высокоточное, крючковое измерительное оборудование.

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