Назначение надувного вала очень широкое. Механические части

  • Inflatable shaft, slip shaft, inflatable sleeve, opening roller Mechanical parts
  • Inflatable shaft, slip shaft, inflatable sleeve, opening roller Mechanical parts

Надувной вал, скользящий вал, надувной рукав, открывающийся ролик Механические части

Mechanical parts
The purpose of the inflatable shaft is very wide, where there are winding, winding, slitting machines, can be applied, even including the light metal industry.

Product Details

Mechanical parts
The purpose of the inflatable shaft is very wide, where there are winding, winding, slitting machines, can be applied, even including the light metal industry. Such as: inflatable shaft is mainly suitable for printing equipment: plate printing machine, flexo printing machine, concave plate machine, trademark printing machine and so on. Other machinery: coating machine, leather machine, molding machine, embossing machine, slitting machine, die cutting machine, rewinding machine, paper tube machine, bag making machine, laminating machine, film machine, film blowing machine, foam machine, film machine, embossing machine, paper machine, no cloth machine, cloth inspection machine, hot stamping machine, battery equipment and other related machinery supporting the use of; The slip shaft is used in the scuttering machine to receive the reel, and is also used in special occasions to put the reel, the purpose is to use the principle of slip rings on the slip shaft to slip, so that multiple rolls on the shaft are always maintained constant tension. When working, the slip ring is controlled with a certain value of sliding torque (torque slipping, sliding amount just compensates for the generated speed difference, so as to accurately control the tension of each roll of material, so as to ensure the constant tension winding and the quality of winding.

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