Станок с ЧПУ (5 осей)Обработка с ЧПУ

  • CNC Machine (5 Axies)CNC Machining

Станок с ЧПУ (5 осей)Обработка с ЧПУ

Brand: Mazak VCN 430BL  Japan|CNC Machining

Product Details
CNC Machining
Simple setup: Complex shapes can be easily machined in a single setup, reducing errors that may result from multiple setups. A single setup helps reduce setup and manufacturing time, increase productivity, ensure product quality and shorten delivery time.
Improve accuracy: The workpiece remains stationary during the machining process, allowing for higher part accuracy.
Strong ability to machine complex parts: It is capable of manufacturing complex machine parts at a lower cost and in a shorter time, which is of great benefit for small-scale operation applications or prototype manufacturing.
Fast cutting speed: As it allows simultaneous movement along both the x and y axes, shorter and sturdier tools can be used, accelerating the cutting speed with minimal vibration.
Excellent surface finish: The use of shorter tools helps achieve excellent surface finish, thereby obtaining better part quality.
Effective avoidance of tool interference: It can meet the processing requirements of parts such as impellers, blades and integral blisks. At the same time, shorter tools can be used for processing, enhancing system rigidity, reducing the number of tools, avoiding the generation of special tools and lowering tool costs.
Reduce the number of clamping: With only one clamping, five-sided machining can be completed, reducing benchmark conversions and improving machining accuracy. At the same time, due to the shortening of the process chain and the reduction of equipment, the number of tooling fixtures, workshop floor space and equipment maintenance costs will also be reduced.
Shorten the production process chain and simplify production management: Its complete processing significantly shortens the production process chain, simplifying production management and planning scheduling. The more complex the workpiece, the more obvious its advantages over the traditional decentralized production methods of processes.
Shorten the R&D cycle of new products: For enterprises in fields such as aerospace and automobiles, the shapes of new product parts and forming molds are often very complex and have high precision requirements. The five-axis CNC machining center can well solve the problems of precision and cycle in processing complex parts, greatly shortening the R&D cycle and increasing the success rate of new products.
Станок с ЧПУ (5 осей)
Клеймо Мазак  VCN 430BL Япония
Количество 2
Максимальная дальность 762x510x430мм
Точный 0,01 мм
Сложные, тяжелые детали на разных гранях

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  • Оборудование для литий-ионных аккумуляторов
  • Новые накопители энергии
  • Обработка на станках с ЧПУ
    • 3/4/5-осевое фрезерование с ЧПУ
    • Токарная обработка с ЧПУ
    • Отделка поверхности
  • Технологическое оборудование
    • Токарная обработка с ЧПУ
    • Фрезерование с ЧПУ
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