Ролик из углеродного волокна - легкий, как перышко, прочный, как сталь. Механические части

  • Carbon fiber roll Mechanical parts
  • Carbon fiber roll Mechanical parts
  • Carbon fiber roll Mechanical parts
  • Carbon fiber roll Mechanical parts

Рулон из углеродного волокна Механические части

Mechanical parts
Mainly used in lithium battery production equipment, paper making machinery, printing equipment, textile machinery, film machinery and so on;

Product Details
Mechanical parts
Carbon fiber roller is becoming more and more important in industrial production, printing, paper, textile, new energy and other traditional industries have many manufacturers to replace the steel roller with carbon fiber roller. Carbon fiber roller light weight, high strength, strong durability, so favored by industrial enterprises; Mainly used in lithium battery production equipment, paper making machinery, printing equipment, textile machinery, film machinery and so on; Carbon fiber has small density and light weight, and its specific gravity is 40%-60% of that of aluminum alloy, but its tensile strength can reach more than 3000MPa, which is more than 6 times that of steel. Compared with the aluminum alloy roller, the lighter carbon fiber roller can make the machine start and stop faster, reduce inertia, increase the speed of the roller, and reduce the dynamic balance impact, thus effectively reducing energy consumption and improving production efficiency. At the same time, the surface is specially treated to prevent static electricity and is suitable for high-speed transmission.

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