Высокая эластичность, высокая износостойкость, высокая температура, Механические детали

  • Brush roller, brush Mechanical parts
  • Brush roller, brush Mechanical parts

Щеточный валик, щетка Механические части

Mechanical parts
Brush roller, mainly used in food processing industry, glass ceramics industry, metal processing industry, polishing cleaning industry, textile machinery, lithium production equipment and so on.

Product Details

Mechanical parts
Brush roller, mainly used in food processing industry, glass ceramics industry, metal processing industry, polishing cleaning industry, textile machinery, lithium production equipment and so on. Nylon silk brush roller: high elasticity, high wear resistance, high temperature resistance of 1010 nylon silk brush in the food industry is very popular, because its material is non-toxic and pollution-free food grade. Its high wear resistance, high temperature resistance in the textile, printing and dyeing industry is also popular. Its high elasticity is widely sold in glass cleaning and other cleaning industries. Abrasive silk brush roller: abrasive silk is added with special materials such as gold and steel sand, which is better than nylon silk in wear resistance. Because of its acid resistance, alkali resistance and other characteristics; It is used to clean the steel plate to remove rust and oxidation, the primary processing of steel, the color coating of steel plate, and the deburring and polishing of other casting parts.

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