Почему Bosch разрабатывает водородные топливные элементы - Оборудование для литий-ионных аккумуляторов

Почему Bosch разрабатывает технологию водородных топливных элементов? -Оборудование для литий-ионных аккумуляторов

12 августа 2022

On February 28, the global auto parts giant Bosch held a press conference on the theme of "Electric Technology Development Strategy". At the meeting, Mr. Rolf Bulander, member of the Bosch Group Management Committee and President of the Automotive Division, made it clear that Bosch would give up self-made new energy vehicle power lithium battery cells, and instead use outsourced battery cells to combine Bosch's own battery management system technology and system. Integration capabilities to supply customers with complete battery systems.

In terms of giving up the production of lithium battery cells for vehicle power, Bosch has come to the conclusion from the four aspects of market, technology, cost and investment that the current large-scale investment in the production of lithium batteries with current liquid electrolyte technology is not conducive to Bosch's development. develop.

It is worth noting that abandoning the production of power lithium battery cells does not mean that Bosch completely abandons the research and development and manufacturing of battery systems. Bosch is shifting its focus to autonomous driving and hydrogen fuel.

Bosch said that in 2018, it will continue to make continuous efforts in hydrogen fuel-powered lithium battery technology, continue to tap the potential of internal combustion engines, and strengthen the research and development of autonomous driving and driver assistance technologies.

"By 2030 at the latest, fuel-powered lithium batteries will play an important role in the powertrain system. Bosch is accelerating the development process and gradually expanding our product portfolio." said Volkmar Denner, Chairman of the Bosch Group Board of Directors.

Although Bosch is not a professional lithium-ion power lithium battery manufacturer for vehicles, it has given up its own production of lithium battery cells and shifted its focus to the field of hydrogen fuel power lithium batteries, which shows the increasingly fierce competition in the power lithium battery market. In the future, fuel-powered lithium battery technology may become a new choice for the company to enter the new energy vehicle industry.

Let's take a look at what's new in the field of fuel-powered lithium batteries this week:

❶, 11 Japanese companies joined forces to create a hydrogen refueling station construction company

According to foreign media reports, 11 companies, including Toyota, Nissan, Honda, JXTG Energy, Tokyo Gas and Toyota Tsusho, recently announced that they will jointly create a new company responsible for the construction and operation of hydrogen refueling stations for fuel-powered lithium battery vehicles to promote fuel power in Japan. Lithium battery vehicles are popular. The first phase of the project plans to complete the construction of about 80 hydrogen refueling stations by fiscal year 2021.

❷、Canada cooperate to promote the exchange of hydrogen fuel power lithium battery technology

A few days ago, the Fuel Power Lithium Battery Partner Alliance and the Canadian Hydrogen Energy and Fuel Power Lithium Battery Association signed a memorandum of cooperation at the Tokyo Renewable Energy Week venue to promote the development of hydrogen energy application technology, hydrogen energy technology standard research, and fuel power lithium battery application technology. Cooperation in development, fuel-powered lithium battery vehicles and hydrogen storage standards research.(Lithium - Ion Battery Equipment)

❸、Dongfang Electric hydrogen fuel-powered lithium battery bus was delivered for use

A few days ago, the delivery of the hydrogen fuel-powered lithium battery bus jointly developed by Dongfang Electric and Chengdu Bus and the opening ceremony of the first hydrogen refueling demonstration station in Sichuan Province were held at the Industrial Port of Pidu District, Chengdu, marking the official launch of the first batch of independently developed hydrogen fuel buses in Sichuan Province. After delivery, Dongfang Electric supplied the fuel-powered lithium battery power system for the bus.

❹、MHPS received orders for fuel-powered lithium battery hybrid gas turbines

Foreign media reported that Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems Co., Ltd. (MHPS) received an order for its supercharged hybrid power generation system integrated with solid oxide fuel-powered lithium batteries (SOFC) and micro gas turbines (MGT). The hybrid system uses city gas as fuel, operates at high temperatures around 900°C, and generates electricity from a ceramic SOFC stack and MGT.
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