Новый аккумуляторный метод извлечения кобальта -Lithium - Ion Battery Equipment

В США разработали новый метод переработки аккумуляторов для извлечения и повторного использования кобальт-литий-ионного аккумуляторного оборудования

23 Авг 2023

Scientists have developed a solvent that can extract useful elements from used batteries, helping to reduce the amount of e-waste that ends up in landfills, India's Economic Times reported. The purpose of the research and development is to reduce the harsh process in battery recycling and reduce the number of used batteries that are landfilled.

Rice University in the US has used environmentally friendly extremely deep eutectic solvents to extract valuable elements from cathode metal oxides commonly used in lithium-ion batteries. The newly developed solvent is made of choline chloride and ethylene glycol in daily products, which can extract more than 90% of the cobalt in the powder mixture. Although the content of cobalt extracted from the old battery is less each time, it is still the same An efficient way to recycle.(Lithium - Ion Battery Equipment)

Pulickel Ajayan, a researcher at Rice University, said: "With the increasing use of batteries for electric vehicles and other accessories in the future, waste rechargeable batteries, especially lithium-ion batteries, will gradually pose a threat to the environment." He believes: "Recycling cobalt, etc. Important metals are of great importance, the supply of which is limited, and the importance of energy storage devices cannot be overstated."

Regarding this new technology for battery recycling, Ajayan said: "Based on the current state of recycling of plastic products, a comprehensive strategy is now needed to recycle the increasing number of used batteries."

The results of the study were published in the journal Nature Energy. Kimmai Tran, the first author of the article, said: "Before the new solvent, we tried to use acid. Although the effect was obvious, the acid was corrosive and not environmentally friendly. The cost of recycling lithium-ion batteries It is generally very high, and workers engaged in related work are also at risk.” He also said that the new solvent is made from additives in chicken feed and general-purpose plastic precursors, and can dissolve a variety of metal oxides.
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