Технология и стоимость водородной энергетики -Оборудование для литий-ионных аккумуляторов

Технические и финансовые проблемы водородной энергетики - Оборудование для литий-ионных аккумуляторов

08 Сен 2022

If there is no accident, the country's first refueling and hydrogen refueling station will be officially put into operation this month in Xinxing County, Yunfu, Guangdong. This is a major event in the commercialization of the domestic hydrogen energy industry following the birth of a fully commercialized hydrogen refueling station in Nanhai, Foshan in September last year.

In fact, as one of the few cities in China that has already carried out fuel cell vehicle operations, Foshan and Yunfu in Guangdong have been at the forefront of research in the field of fuel cell vehicles. With the Edelman hydrogen fuel cell production project settled in Nanhai on May 8, Guangdong's hydrogen energy vehicle industry chain has taken shape.

"At present, the project on our side is progressing normally, and everything is going according to plan." Guangdong Changjiang Automobile said. Three months ago, Guangdong Changjiang Automobile's vehicle production and hydrogen power R&D center projects also chose to take root in the South China Sea. This project, which is expected to be completed and put into production in 2019, will achieve an annual output of 60,000 new energy vehicles, with a total output value of 20 billion yuan.(Lithium - Ion Battery Equipment)

"Our company's goal in 2018 is to obtain sales qualifications, conduct mass trial production and trial sales, and first conduct commercial demonstration operations in Foshan." Guangdong Changjiang Automobile said that the company's goal in the past three years is to reduce the cost of fuel cell vehicles. It is close to pure electric vehicles and commercialized.

At present, in addition to Guangdong Foshan and Yunfu, Shanghai, Jiangsu Rugao, Zhejiang Taizhou, Hubei Wuhan and other places have issued policies to support the development of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles.

At the same time, the domestic development of fuel cell vehicles is accelerating. Since Premier Li Keqiang visited Toyota's Hokkaido plant in May this year, China and Japan have further cooperated in technological innovation, especially in fuel cell vehicle products. On May 29, China FAW announced that it will join hands with Toyota to strengthen cooperation in the field of fuel cell vehicles.

With the entry of domestic fuel cell companies, car companies, and energy groups, the domestic hydrogen energy industry will usher in a new round of outbreaks.

Intensive entry

At present, a general consensus in the industry is that 2020 will be the node for the real commercialization of fuel cell vehicles.

"We plan to use the 'MIRAI Future' for the three years from 2017 to 2020 to conduct empirical experiments on the 'Vehicle Driving Survey in China's Use Environment', 'Hydrogen Fuel Quality Survey', and 'Various Quality Durability Evaluations'." Toyota China said that it hopes to explore various possibilities of building a "hydrogen energy society" together with the government and the auto industry through this demonstration project.

In October last year, Toyota established its first hydrogen refueling station in Changshu, Jiangsu, and launched two MIRAIs to start the hydrogen power demonstration test in China.

While the Toyota MIRAI was conducting road tests, Honda recently registered the trademark "CLARITY" in China. It is reported that the Clarity series models are hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicles (“Honda FCV”) developed by Honda, which means that Honda may be planning to introduce this model into China.

In Toyota's plan, 2020 will be a major milestone for the company to achieve its annual sales target of more than 30,000 hydrogen fuel cell vehicles (including passenger cars and buses), and it will also be the time when Toyota starts mass production of hydrogen fuel cells.

In fact, in important strategic outlines such as the "National Innovation-Driven Development Strategy Outline", "Made in China 2025", and "Mid- and Long-Term Development Plan for the Automobile Industry", it is clearly proposed to vigorously develop hydrogen fuel cell vehicles. The plan in the "Technical Roadmap for Energy Saving and New Energy Vehicles" released by the state is to produce 1,000 fuel cell vehicles and conduct demonstration operations by 2020; Fuel cell vehicles will achieve small-scale operation in the region; by 2030, the sales scale of fuel cell vehicles will reach the level of one million vehicles.
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