Технология литиевых аккумуляторов на водородном топливе -Оборудование для литий-ионных аккумуляторов

Нидерланды разрабатывают новую технологию для хранения водорода в литиевых батареях, работающих на водородном топливе -Lithium - Ion Battery Equipment

13 июн 2023

Researchers at Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands and VU University Amsterdam have demonstrated that the size of metal alloy nanoparticles can change the rate at which hydrogen gas stored in metal hydrides is released. The smaller the nanoparticles, the faster hydrogen can get into the fuel-powered lithium battery.

The researchers published their findings in the October issue of the scientific journal Advanced Energy Materials.

On September 27, Dutch Environment Minister Melanie Schulz van Hagen announced that a special allocation of 5 million euros will be used to promote the development of hydrogen-powered vehicles in the Netherlands. She said the Netherlands and its neighbors have everything it takes to become a hydrogen haven. In July 2011, German automaker Daimler AG announced plans to build 20 new hydrogen filling stations along German autobahns. Hydrogen is back on the agenda.(Lithium - Ion Battery Equipment)

Currently, hydrogen is stored in car fuel tanks at a pressure of 700 bar. Therefore, filling stations use high-pressure pumps to inflate car fuel tanks, and high-pressure pumps consume a lot of energy. So people are looking for new hydrogen storage technologies for good reason. Metals such as magnesium can absorb high-density hydrogen without high pressure, but its disadvantage is that it is difficult to release hydrogen again, and the release process is very slow. One way to accelerate hydrogen release is to use magnesium nanoparticles adsorbed on the substrate to eliminate particle agglomeration.

Bernard Damm, professor of materials for energy conversion and storage in the Netherlands, and his colleagues at Delft University of Technology and VU University Amsterdam have demonstrated experimentally that the interaction between nanoparticles and substrates can accelerate the rate of hydrogen release. They used models made of magnesium and titanium foils to demonstrate how hydrogen pressure can be released. This means that we are able to store hydrogen using nanoparticles adsorbed on a substrate. The choice of matrix material will determine what hydrogen desorption pressure to use.

Economical and effective hydrogen storage technology will play an important role in the wide application of hydrogen fuel-powered lithium batteries. Bernard Damm sees hybrid cars of the future using batteries for short trips and hydrogen for long trips. "Your electric cars will be powered by batteries in the city and hydrogen for further afield," he said.
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