Предприятие в Шэньчжэне разработало ведущее в мире оборудование для литий-ионных аккумуляторов

Предприятие в Шэньчжэне разработало ведущее в мире литиевое аккумуляторное оборудование

23 авг 2022

With the rise of the new energy industry, its core lithium battery has become the focus of manufacturers. Different from the introduction and transformation of foreign technology by ordinary battery manufacturers, a company in Shenzhen has developed the only power lithium battery with the largest aspect ratio that has passed the test in my country for more than 10 years. On the 18th, this battery product was unveiled at the 11th my country International Battery Technology Exhibition, attracting millions of orders from multinational giants such as Google.

New energy is a national and even global strategic industry, and the core of its industry is the power lithium battery. From 2006 to 2009, my country's lithium battery industry developed rapidly at a rate of 20% to 30% every year. At present, my country has become the world's largest lithium battery manufacturing base, the second largest lithium battery producer and exporter. The exhibition showcased the most advanced international technologies in an all-round way, attracting more than 800 exhibitors from my country, Japan, the United States and other countries.(Lithium - Ion Battery Equipment)

In this exhibition, the lithium battery products independently developed and manufactured by Shenzhen Xinyongfeng have attracted much attention, especially the large-capacity cylindrical lithium battery 55380S developed by Shenzhen Xinyongfeng, which took the lead in passing the test of the national authoritative organization, and has become the only largest long-diameter test in my country so far. Compared with power lithium batteries, the reliability and cost performance of the products are ahead of domestic and foreign counterparts. "Too many battery manufacturers are still using the original battery technology abroad, and the batteries with traditional structural design have internal defects," an industry expert said. From the perspective of the application of electric vehicles at home and abroad in recent years, the current power lithium battery is still immature. The development stage, especially the safety and reliability of the product, has not been completely resolved. The important reason for this industry phenomenon is the deviation of the technical system and product structure design, and there are three major problems in the industry: dust, burrs, and metal lithium precipitation, which cause the defects of lithium batteries in products to be multiplied when they are used in series at high voltage, resulting in The product problems in the application field cannot be solved by the existing technology at home and abroad.

"Defect-free power lithium batteries are the representative of today's productivity." The relevant person in charge of Xinyongfeng believes that only by abandoning traditional craftsmanship and developing independent innovative products can my country's new energy industry achieve "curve overtaking". After more than 10 years of hard work, the products developed by it have explored revolutionary changes in structural design and production process, thus fundamentally solving the three chronic diseases, realizing zero dust and zero burrs in products, eliminating the phenomenon of metal lithium precipitation, fundamentally It solved the safety and stability problems of lithium batteries, and made my country's lithium battery manufacturing technology stand in the world's leading ranks for the first time.

In addition, Xinyongfeng's high-performance lithium battery composed of more than 40 patents reduces the traditional 118 production processes to less than 50, which not only reduces the production cost of lithium batteries, but also localizes 100% of materials, making the domestic lithium battery industry Completely get rid of dependence on foreign countries. Expert analysis believes that this important achievement will change the pattern of low-level competition in the domestic lithium battery industry, promote the comprehensive upgrade of the company, and the lithium battery industry is expected to usher in new development opportunities.

The company's self-innovated project products also receive orders from world giants with leading technology. At present, Xinyongfeng has been verified by dozens of overseas customers. In the first half of this year, companies such as Google in the United States will come to inspect the factory. The preliminary agreement is that the order will exceed 100 million yuan per year for three years, Germany, Japan, India and Russia. There are also customers in other countries who have passed the trial verification, and it is expected that this year's export orders will reach more than 200 million yuan.
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