Технология литиевых аккумуляторов и новые источники энергии - Оборудование для литий-ионных аккумуляторов

Семинар по технологиям литиевых аккумуляторов и планированию развития новой энергетики - оборудование для литий-ионных аккумуляторов

01 ноя 2022

On December 27, 2018, Zhengzhou Zhongke Emerging Industry Technology Research Institute held the "Power Battery Technology and New Energy Development Planning Seminar" in Henan Outsourcing Industrial Park, and invited relevant experts from Yutong Bus, Bike Battery, Lixuan Technology, Cologne New Materials, Hanbo New Energy and other power battery upstream and downstream enterprises and scientific research institutions to come together to discuss the development direction of power battery technology and the development plan for the next few years.

At the beginning of the seminar, Vice President Zhang Yanqiang gave a speech. First of all, Vice President Zhang Yanqiang extended a warm welcome to all the experts, introduced the overall situation of the Institute and the main research directions of the New Energy Technology Research Department, and invited experts from all walks of life to give advice and suggestions on the development of the Institute and the New Energy Technology Research Department. Subsequently, Zhengzhou Municipal Science and Technology Bureau congratulated on the convening of the meeting and highly evaluated the scientific and technological work of our institute. Dr. Liu Yanxia, Executive Deputy Director of the New Energy Technology Research Department, made a report on the new energy development plan, sorted out the technical hot issues in the power battery industry in recent years, and introduced the preliminary development plan of the New Energy Technology Research Department in the next three years. For the high energy density, fast charging performance, recycling methods and other hot issues in the industry of power batteries, vehicle manufacturers, power battery enterprises, battery material enterprises and academic experts and scholars have respectively expressed their opinions. Everyone has reached a certain consensus on the development of power battery technology. Safety is the premise of application. On this basis, performance improvement can effectively improve the user experience. After that, we entered the sub venue discussion stage. Vice President Zhang Yanqiang and Director Zhai Dong of the Science and Technology Business Department respectively chaired the discussion on the power battery and battery materials at the two sub venues. The experts at the meeting held warm discussions on the technical direction and development planning of power battery and battery materials, and reached a certain consensus on the expected future development.(Lithium - Ion Battery Equipment)

After the meeting, the experts attending the meeting paid a field visit to the all battery test line of the New Energy Storage Engineering Technology Center and the laboratory of the Research Institute, and successfully completed the agenda of the meeting. Our scientific researchers timely summarized the valuable opinions of experts, further clarified the development ideas, and worked hard to build an advanced R&D base and analysis and detection platform in Central Plains.

Zhengzhou Branch of Institute of Process, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Zhengzhou Branch of Institute of Process of CAS is positioned in technology research and development, achievement transformation, talent cultivation and enterprise incubation, focusing on four directions of new energy, energy conservation and environmental protection, new materials and life health
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