Ricardo разрабатывает твердотельные литиевые батареи -Оборудование для литий-ионных аккумуляторов

Ricardo разрабатывает твердотельные литиевые батареи -Оборудование для литий-ионных аккумуляторов

27 Дек 2022

The 30 month cooperation project will develop lithium based solid Stereox for plug-in hybrid vehicles and electric vehicles? Battery, establish the pre-test line of solid state battery, and develop the process for the supply chain of solid state battery materials.

According to foreign media reports, Ricardo UK announced that it has cooperated with Ilikatechnologies, CentreforProcessInnovation, Honda R&D Europe and University College London to carry out the PowerDriveLine project. The project has been funded by the British government's Faraday Battery Challenge: the second round of innovation research and development, funded by the British innovation institution InnovateUK.

The 30 month cooperation project will develop lithium based solid state Stereox batteries for plug-in hybrid vehicles and electric vehicles, establish a pre-test line for solid state batteries, and develop processes for the solid state battery material supply chain. This innovative solid-state battery technology will produce safer, more energy saving and power intensive batteries to achieve ultra fast charging (plug-in hybrid vehicles and pure electric vehicles can be fully charged in 25 minutes).

Ricardo will design and manufacture prototype battery modules and will also use its industry-leading expertise in electric vehicle battery management system (BMS) technology. Combining the high processing capacity and the control ability of the battery module, Ricardo's method is very suitable for evaluating the chemical composition of new batteries. Careful monitoring and strict control of all aspects of the performance of battery cells and battery packs are essential for the effective development and evaluation of batteries. In addition, Ricardo will further develop its battery management system, so that it can adapt to ultra-high speed and ultra-fast charging solid-state lithium batteries with a charging power of 50 to 350 kilowatts.(Lithium - Ion Battery Equipment)

Martin Tolliday, head of Ricardo's passenger car and motorcycle market department, said: "Ricardo is very happy to cooperate with Ilika, CentreforProcessInnovation and University College London to participate in the important project of electric vehicles in the future. Compared with the existing battery technology of electric vehicles, the solid state lithium battery technology has significant improvement potential in performance and safety, with lighter weight and more compact size. If the research and development is successful, the solid state battery system will have a significant impact on the electric vehicle and plug-in hybrid vehicle market The transformative impact will enable road transport to reduce the carbon footprint faster and more effectively. "
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