Материалы металл-ионных аккумуляторов нового поколения - Оборудование для литий-ионных аккумуляторов

Исследователи разработали схему увеличения емкости катодного материала для металл-ионных аккумуляторов нового поколения -Lithium - Ion Battery Equipment

08 Авг 2023

Scientists at Skoltech Center for Energy Science and Technology have developed a rich and scalable approach to increasing the capacity of a wide range of metal-ion battery cathode materials. These findings, published in the Journal of Materials Chemistry A, could be used to develop a new generation of advanced rechargeable energy storage devices.

The creation of the modern lithium-ion battery was made possible thanks to a few scientific breakthroughs. One of them is a cathode material containing reversible extraction of lithium ions developed by Nobel laureate John B. Goodenough. The implementation of these materials helps avoid unsafe anodes such as metallic lithium. However, issues including limited capacity, moderate cycle stability, low charge-discharge rate, and environmental friendliness remain to be resolved.(Lithium - Ion Battery Equipment)

For decades, researchers have been putting enormous effort into developing better battery materials. Therefore, various attractive cathode materials have been proposed. However, batteries relying on these materials often achieve their full energy density only when they contain unsafe, highly active, cation-extractable anodes. This is caused by the lack of mobile metal ions in the cathode. This problem leads to limited capacity and, in many cases, complicates the practical application of otherwise attractive materials.

Under the supervision of Prof. Keith Stevenson, Skoltech PhD student Roman Kapaev showed how this problem can be addressed in a wide range of materials. He suggested treating the cathode with a solution of a reducing agent, an alkali metal salt derived from an aromatic compound such as naphthalene or phenolic formaldehyde.

An important advantage of this method is its scalability. The process does not require complicated conditions and is relatively safe. Furthermore, the reducing agents can be recovered after reacting with the cathode because their redox chemistry is reversible. These features make the method promising for large-scale applications.

This approach is applicable to a wide range of organic and inorganic battery materials. Furthermore, it is applicable not only to lithium-ion batteries, but also to sodium- and potassium-ion batteries, which have the potential to be more sustainable and lower-cost energy storage devices. By adjusting the amount of reducing agent or its oxidation potential, the content of metal ions in the cathode can be controlled.

Roman-Kapayev said: "This method can serve as a powerful toolbox that can be used to improve the performance of various battery materials. It is also a straightforward and inexpensive method with recyclable reagents, so we believe that It is suitable for large-scale practical applications."
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