Возможности материалов для литиевых аккумуляторов - Оборудование для литий-ионных аккумуляторов

Материалы для силовых литиевых батарей соответствуют возможностям и вызовам -Оборудование для литий-ионных аккумуляторов

31 янв 2023

The executive meeting of the State Council held on February 24th determined measures to further support the new energy vehicle industry and promote green development through structural optimization. The meeting proposed to accelerate the realization of revolutionary breakthroughs in power lithium batteries. Insiders in the chemical industry pointed out that the battery revolution is also an innovation revolution in related electrode materials, electrolyte and other chemical materials, which is both an opportunity and a challenge.

The meeting put forward five measures to support the development of the new energy vehicle industry, one of which is to accelerate the realization of revolutionary breakthroughs in lithium battery power. To this end, it is necessary to promote large, small and medium-sized companies, universities, scientific research institutes, etc. to establish a collaborative, open and shared power lithium battery innovation platform, focusing on the research and development of key materials, battery systems and other common and basic technologies. The central government will reward the company based on the performance, sales and other indicators of power lithium battery in the form of reward instead of compensation.

It is reported that the important components of lithium batteries include electrolyte, isolation materials, positive and negative electrode materials, etc., which are basically new chemical materials. At present, many bottlenecks faced by lithium-ion power lithium batteries, such as excessive quality, limited charging capacity and endurance, and insufficient stability, are closely related to the defects in the performance of supporting materials, and also greatly affect the promotion and use of new energy vehicles.(Lithium - Ion Battery Equipment)

Xiao Chengwei, the 18th Research Institute of China Electronics Technology Group Corporation, said that power lithium batteries will inevitably develop in the direction of high energy density. At present, ternary materials are relatively mature. Xiao Chengwei analyzed the application of various batteries in the field of new energy vehicles. In the field of new energy buses, more lithium iron phosphate batteries are used, and some plug-in products are made of ternary materials, which is mainly based on the consideration of high safety of lithium iron phosphate. Although a large part of passenger cars still use lithium iron phosphate, the use of ternary materials should be the development direction, because ternary materials have better performance in terms of energy density, volume and quality.

Hou Xiaohe, executive vice president of Tianjin Lishen Battery Co., Ltd., is also optimistic about the prospect of ternary materials. He said that the first generation of Lithium-iron phosphate battery has good applications in the field of public transport, bus and energy storage. However, in terms of passenger cars, Lishen feels that the ternary system has more advantages and is developing more and more mature. Lishen is speeding up its research and development efforts in this area, striving to catch up with and surpass the level of developed countries such as South Korea.
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