Процесс сборки силовых литиевых батарей - Оборудование для литий-ионных аккумуляторов

Процесс сборки силовых литиевых батарей - Оборудование для литий-ионных аккумуляторов

09 Июн 2022

In recent years, the development of new energy vehicles has developed by leaps and bounds, and there is a tendency for latecomers to catch up. In the research and development process of new energy vehicles, whether it is the extended-range hybrid model Volt launched as early as 2010, or planned in 2023 Before the vision of launching at least 20 pure electric vehicles, GM has already placed new energy vehicles at the height of corporate strategic development.

Whether it is a pure electric vehicle or a hybrid vehicle, the power battery is an important part of the three-electric system. Therefore, for the power battery, GM has carried out in-depth cooperation with suppliers. It has established laboratories in Shanghai and the United States to develop more Battery solutions for products. But what does the power battery, which is strictly sealed in the box on weekdays, look like? Through a hands-on "handmade class", we unveiled the mystery of the power battery.(Lithium - Ion Battery Equipment)

The battery pack used in Buick's latest plug-in hybrid model VELITE6 is specially developed by GM according to the needs of the model. It adopts a new generation of highly integrated modular design, which has the advantages of light weight and high energy density.

The battery pack is mainly composed of an electrical structure, a water cooling system, a module structure and a load-bearing structure. The most basic units assembled into a battery are the battery cell, thermal insulation foam and cooling plate. They are stacked like sandwiches. The smallest unit that composes the power battery is formed, and then the smallest unit is installed in the fixed frame, and the basic frame of the battery pack is completed. Of course, these jobs are all done by robots in the factory, and each step has quite strict quality control.

The most basic unit assembled into a battery: battery cell, thermal insulation foam and cooling plate.

Then, install electrical components such as wires and relays on the top of the assembled module structure, and connect the water cooling system pipes at both ends. This cooling system is connected with the cooling system of the air conditioner, and can directly use the cooling system of the air conditioner to cool the power battery, so that the battery can always work in a relatively stable environment.

Each cell has a QR code that records basic parameters, which is convenient for tracking product information in the future.

The parts used in the demonstration are specially prepared to help us understand the internal structure of the battery. In the industrial production process, most of the operations of this battery pack are carried out by robots except that some wiring harnesses are manually installed. And this battery pack also has ASILD level safety protection, which is the highest level of automotive safety integrity level.

By stacking the cells, insulating foam and cooling plates layer by layer, the smallest unit that constitutes the power battery is formed.

The battery pack is basically assembled and formed, packaged and ready to be shipped to the production line.

The strictly controlled manufacturing process ensures that the battery has a relatively uniform power storage performance and stable electrochemical characteristics, and combined with an excellent battery management system, it is possible for the battery pack to have a long service life. In fact, looking at the entire history of automobile development, it is not difficult to find that the war between electric vehicles and gasoline vehicles started as early as 100 years ago. Although pure electric vehicles at that time had an advantage in price, they were always beaten by gasoline vehicles because of their slow charging speed and short battery life. It was not until 1913 that Henry Ford invented the industrial assembly line car-making method, and mass production of fuel vehicles was achieved, which broke the influence of selling price on sales and completely won the battle.

The test equipment used to test the battery performance is expensive, and can easily cost tens of millions.

A fire test is being conducted on the battery pack.

Later, with the development of technology and battery energy storage technology, the shortcomings of pure electric vehicles in terms of ease of use are gradually shrinking. Today, more than a hundred years after the invention of pure electric vehicles, the world has once again set off a wave of pure electric vehicles. But do fuel vehicles and pure electric vehicles have to stand on opposite ends of the scale, and live a life of one and the other? Hybrid power may be the answer given by GM.
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