Новая технология автономного отключения питания литиевых аккумуляторовОборудование для литий-ионных аккумуляторов

Новая технология автономного отключения питания литиевых аккумуляторов -Оборудование для литий-ионных аккумуляторов

01 фев 2023

For researchers, battery technology is always a difficult problem to overcome completely. On the one hand, they should try to reduce the cost of manufacturing batteries and provide satisfactory battery life. On the other hand, they should ensure the safety of batteries. They are located in the electronic devices that consumers often use on weekdays, which means that accidents such as battery explosion should never happen, Because it may cause serious harm to human body.(Lithium - Ion Battery Equipment)

Although the accident of mobile phone explosion is very rare, the lithium battery charging fire or explosion accident has not never happened. The good news is that Stanford University researchers said recently that they have developed a new type of lithium battery, which can provide a failure and explosion protection measure for the battery.

Researchers covered the new battery with a plastic layer containing nickel particles. When the battery was hot, it would cut off the current by itself. When the battery temperature returned to a safe level, it began to supply power to the device. In this way, it can prevent the battery from exploding due to overheating.

People have tried different methods to solve the lithium ion sudden fire accident. Members of the research team said: "We have designed the first battery in the world that can prevent the battery from overheating and catching fire without sacrificing the battery life.".

The key of this new technology is that the battery can cut off the current by itself, and then restore power on itself. Although there are some lithium batteries that can cut off the current before the battery is about to explode, they cannot be restarted and connected to the power supply.

However, at present, this technology only exists in research and experiment, and it may take several years to apply it to mobile phones. Researchers should prove that this technology is safe and reliable, and its cost can be accepted by smart phone manufacturers for large-scale production.
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