Новые материалы создают оборудование для литий-литий-ионных аккумуляторов с высокой плотностью энергии

Новые материалы создают литиевую батарею с высокой плотностью энергии -Оборудование для литий-ионных аккумуляторов

13 октября 2022

At present, lithium ion battery is the most popular solution for mobile power supply. However, in some applications, it has reached its limits. This is particularly applicable to electric vehicles, which require a wide range of lightweight compact vehicles. Lithium metal batteries may be another option. They are characterized by high energy density, which means that they store a large amount of energy per mass or volume. However, stability is still a problem because electrode materials react with traditional electrolyte systems.(Lithium - Ion Battery Equipment)

The pursuit of high energy density, especially the next generation of lithium batteries above 500Whkg-1, has become a global research hotspot. However, the unstable interface between anode or cathode and electrolyte under high pressure limits the increase of energy density.

Since electrolyte is the only shared component of cathode and anode, electrolyte engineering has become a common and simple strategy to stabilize the electrode/electrolyte interface on both cathode and anode.

Researchers from Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and Helmholtz Institute Ulm Electrochemical Energy Storage (HIU) have found solutions. As Joule reported, they used a promising combination of new materials. Cobalt poor and nickel rich layered cathode (NCM88) has reached high energy density. Use commercially available organic electrolytes (LP30), which are commonly used. However, there are still many shortcomings in stability. The storage capacity decreases as the number of cycles increases. Professor Stefano Passerini, director of HIU and head of battery electrochemistry, explained the reason that particles in the electrolyte LP30 cracked on the cathode. Within these cracks, the electrolyte reacts and destroys the structure. In addition, the thick moss forms a lithium layer on the anode. For this reason, scientists used a non-volatile, flame retardant, double anion ionic liquid electrolyte (ILE). With the help of ILE, it can significantly reduce the structural modification of nickel rich cathode, said Dr. Guk TaeKim of HIU battery electrochemical group.

88% capacity after 1000 cycles

Results: Based on the total weight of active materials, the energy density of lithium metal battery with NCM88 positive electrode and ILE electrolyte reached 560 watt hours/kg (Wh/kg). Its initial storage capacity is 214 milliampere hours (mAhg-1) per gram of positive material. 88% of the capacity was retained after 1000 cycles. The average coulomb efficiency, that is, the ratio of discharge capacity to charging capacity, is 99.94%.

This novel electrolyte engineering strategy may pave the way for the design and application of solid sacrificial additives for high-energy lithium metal batteries in the future. Due to the high safety of batteries, researchers have taken an important step towards carbon neutral movement.
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