Национальная промышленность и работа по информатизации - Оборудование для литий-ионных аккумуляторов

Состоялась Национальная рабочая конференция по промышленности и информатизации - Оборудование для литий-ионных аккумуляторов

12 августа 2022

On December 25th, the National Industry and Information Technology Work Conference was held in Beijing. Miao Wei, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Minister of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, made a speech entitled "Fully Implement the Spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Strive to compose the construction of a manufacturing power and a network power." New Chapter" speech.

This meeting has mentioned new energy vehicles many times, what is the important thing to say?

1. The meeting pointed out that the industrial economy in 2017 showed a stable and positive momentum. More than 700,000 new energy vehicles were applied and promoted throughout the year; the world's first dual-point system for new energy vehicles was announced.(Lithium - Ion Battery Equipment)

2. The meeting believes that with the announcement of a number of major policies such as "Made in my country 2025", the top-level design of new energy vehicles, industrial Internet and other fields is becoming more and more perfect.

3. The meeting believed that through five years of hard work, a number of major industrial and informatization events such as "the promotion and application of new energy vehicles have achieved global leadership" have been accomplished. Of course, there are also "zero" breakthroughs in the independent research and development of large aircraft (C919 large passenger aircraft, AG600 amphibious aircraft)...

4. Regarding the development of new energy vehicles in 2018, the meeting requirements:

(1) Adhere to innovation-driven development, and deeply implement "Made in my country 2025": deeply implement the industrial strong foundation project, and concentrate on solving the key bottlenecks of the power lithium battery system.

(2) Promote the deep integration of the Internet, big data, artificial intelligence and manufacturing, and develop and expand the digital economy: Accelerate the development of the Internet of Vehicles and ICVs.

(3) Give full play to the effective use of consumption and investment, and promote the steady rise of the industrial economy. Cultivate and expand new rising points of consumption, and study and formulate policies and measures to support the development of the new energy vehicle industry.

Do a good job in the implementation of the double-point management method for new energy vehicles.

The working session stated:

It is estimated that in 2017, the added value of industries above designated size will increase by about 6.5%, the energy consumption per unit of industrial added value will decrease by about 4%, the revenue of software and information technology services will increase by 14%, the total telecommunications business will increase by 69%, and the revenue of the Internet industry will increase by 40%. .

The important expected goals in 2018 are that the added value of industries above designated size will increase by about 6%, the energy consumption per unit of new industrial value of companies above designated size will decrease by 4%, and the water consumption per unit of new industrial value will decrease by 4.5%; total telecommunications business, Internet industry, software and information technology service industry revenue rose by about 50%, 30% and 13% respectively.
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