Разработан магниевый твердотельный аккумулятор -Оборудование для литий-ионных аккумуляторов

Магниевый твердотельный аккумулятор разработан в США -Оборудование для литий-ионных аккумуляторов

19 ноя 2022

Although lithium-ion batteries are the main energy storage force today, there are still many research groups and manufacturers trying to find more stable and effective energy storage technologies than lithium-ion batteries. Recently, the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) of the US Department of Energy successfully developed magnesium solid state batteries, and the energy density and material cost of the prototype battery are better than lithium ion batteries.(Lithium - Ion Battery Equipment)

Normally, the battery ions can flow between the positive and negative electrodes through the electrolyte, and the battery is powered by the electrochemical reaction. The reaction must be reversible, or the battery cannot be charged. However, the carbonate electrolyte in the magnesium battery is easy to form a barrier layer on the magnesium surface during the charging and discharging cycle, which hinders the battery charging. Although magnesium can also be charged and discharged through the highly corrosive liquid electrolyte, if the corrosive electrolyte is used, the magnesium battery will not be able to operate under high voltage, which also has safety concerns.

At present, researchers have successfully built a prototype of magnesium solid state battery. The research also points out that the protected magnesium anode can also be charged in the carbonate electrolyte and can supply more energy. In addition, the research team has successfully developed a recyclable magnesium battery, and also provided a way to deal with the incompatibility between anode and electrolyte and to break the limitation of cathode to ions.
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