Литиевая батарея интеллектуальное производство пост -Оборудование для литий-ионных аккумуляторов

Литиевые батареи интеллектуальное производство постобработка -Оборудование для литий-ионных аккумуляторов

16 сен 2022

In recent years, with the rapid development of the new energy industry and the continuous upgrading of the new energy vehicle and power battery industries, battery factories have higher and higher requirements for automation and compatibility.

From December 27th to 28th, the "2017 APEC New Energy Vehicle & Lithium Battery Leaders Summit and the 3rd Qidian Golden Tripod Award Ceremony" hosted by Qidian Research, Lithium Battery Big Data and Qidian Electric Network was held in the Julong Hall of the Crowne Plaza Pearl River in Shenzhen. held.

More than 1000 elite executives from vehicle companies, core component companies, and parts companies gathered together to discuss new cooperation models, strengthen the deep integration of the new energy vehicle industry chain, and promote the healthy development of the industry.(Lithium - Ion Battery Equipment)

Zhao Shaohua, Vice President of Shenzhen Hengyi Energy Technology Co., Ltd., delivered a keynote speech on "Post-processing Technology of Intelligent Manufacturing of Lithium Batteries" at the meeting. The innovation is carried out in three aspects.

The following content is organized according to the live speech.

Hello everyone! Today, my speech is divided into three aspects. One is to give an overview of the automatic wire body process in the rear section of lithium batteries, the other is to describe the process segmentation in detail, and the last is the technological innovation.

An overview of the automatic line body in the back-end of lithium battery production

The back-end stage of lithium battery production mainly includes chemical formation, OCV testing (steel ball, spot welding, labeling or hot pressing, gas bag cutting, edge trimming, shaping, etc.), standing, volume separation, grading, battery storage and other treatments , The processing process is connected by conveyors, elevators, RGVs, stackers and other logistics equipment to achieve a complete automatic solution.

Process Segmentation Details

The first is the formation process. After the injection is completed, the active material is activated by charging with a small current; a solid electrolyte interface (SEI) film is formed on the surface of the carbon negative electrode; the characteristics of the SEI film are cycle life, self-discharge, stability, safety and other characteristics; determine the SEI film The factors are material, formation environment temperature, formation current and voltage accuracy; formation methods include negative pressure formation, opening formation, normal temperature pressure formation, and high temperature pressure formation.

Next, let's talk about SEI. During the first charge and discharge of a liquid lithium-ion battery, the electrode material reacts with the electrolyte to form a passivation layer covering the surface of the electrode material. The passivation layer is an interfacial layer with the characteristics of a solid electrolyte.

Its functions are: first, the electronic insulator is an excellent conductor of Li+, and Li+ can be embedded and extracted freely through the passivation layer; second, the organic solvent is insoluble, which prevents the co-insertion of solvent molecules and avoids the co-insertion of solvent molecules. The damage to the electrode material greatly improves the cycle performance and service life of the electrode.

The characteristic of open formation is that the injection port is open, the advantage is that the equipment is simple and the cost is low, and the disadvantage is that it is easy to enter water and impurities. Compared with open-ended formation, negative pressure formation is characterized by vacuuming from the injection port. What are its benefits? It is a completely sealed environment, and the gas emission is very sufficient; the disadvantage is that the equipment is relatively complex and the cost is relatively high. The other is high-temperature formation and normal-temperature formation according to temperature. High-temperature formation is completed at temperatures of 45, 60, and 80 degrees. The purpose is to speed up formation. The disadvantage is that the SEI film is loose and unstable. The formation at room temperature is 20 degrees, 25 degrees, and 30 degrees. The advantage is that the SEI film is dense and stable, and the disadvantage is that the formation time is long. In terms of high-current formation, it is 0.5C, 1C, and 2C. The advantages are to speed up the electrochemical reaction speed and the growth rate of the SEI film, and shorten the formation time; the disadvantage is that the SEI film is loose, the consistency is not good, and it is unstable. The small current formation is 0.02C, 0.05C, its advantage is that the SEI film is dense, consistent and stable, but the disadvantage is that the formation time is long.
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