Ингредиенты электролита литиевых аккумуляторов -Оборудование для литий-ионных аккумуляторов

Ингредиенты электролита литиевого аккумулятора Процесс производства электролита литиевого аккумулятора -Оборудование для литиевых ионных аккумуляторов

10 мар 2023

Lithium ion battery is a secondary battery, that is, charging batteries, which mainly relies on lithium ions to move between positive and negative electrodes. What is the component of lithium -ion battery electrolyte? What is the production process of lithium -ion battery electrolyte? The following is a detailed introduction.

[Lithium -ion battery electrolyte] Lithium ion battery electrolyte ingredient ingredients Lithium -ion battery electrolyte production process

Lithium ion battery electrolyte production process

Electrolytic liquid production process-distillation and dehydration

- For the use of organic raw materials used, it is used to distille or dehydrate, respectively to meet the standards of lithium battery electrolytes.

- In the stage of distillation or dehydration, items that need to be detected for organic solvents include: purity, moisture, and total alcohol content.

Line electrolyte production process --- product can

- After the organic solvent is distilled or dehydrated, the pipeline is entered into the product tank and waited for use after being qualified.

- According to the electrolyte material ratio, an organic solvent is accurately called at the product tank.

- If the organic solvents in the product tank are not used for a short time, it is necessary to test the content of purity, moisture, and total alcohol content again, and then accurately enter the reactor according to the needs of production.

Capacity production process --- reactor reactor

- According to the material ratio and the order of the addition, the organic solvents are fully stirred and mixed in order, and then add the lithium salt and electrolyte additives to add the required lithium salt and electrolyte additives through the lithium salt dedicated murarous port or glove box.

- At the end of the addition of the material, the stirring speed of the reactor should be controlled, the temperature in the kettle, etc. should be controlled. Different material ratio of mixing and mixing is different, but they must mix the electrolyte evenly. At this time, the items for electrolyte detection are: moisture, conductivity, chroma, acidity.(Lithium - Ion Battery Equipment)

Line electrolyte production process --- filling

- The qualified liquid electrolyte was poured into the qualified packaging barrel, charged into the protection of the gas, and finally entered the warehouse and waited for the factory.

- Due to the physical and chemical properties of the electrolyte itself, the electrolytes of the entry into the warehouse should be used in a short time to prevent the deterioration of the electrolyte from the environment and other factors.

Line electrolyte --- Precautions for use

- The electrolytic liquid barrel is protected and there is a certain pressure. Do not remove the gas phase valve head and liquid valve head in the use, or press the bumpy head of the fast opening to avoid leakage or other dangers. When taking care, be sure to wear a protective eye mask.

- It is recommended to complete the qualified electrolyte. It is easy to deteriorate the electrolytes of Kaifeng because there is no atmosphere protection and other reasons. Please pay attention to the timely charging of the salamander's protection during the use of the use. Play, the main component of the glass is silicon oxide, silicon oxide and hydrofluoric acid reactions to generate corrosive, volatile gas tetrafluoroscope, which will cause damage to people to poison

- The electrolytic liquid container and pipeline materials that can be used on the spot include: stainless steel, plastic PP/PE, tetrafluoroethylene, etc.

- This product is harmful to the human body and has a slight stimulation and anesthesia. Avoid direct contact with the body during use

Composition of liquid electrolyte

-Organic solvents

- Lithium salt


Organic solvents --- Organic solvent selection criteria

- Organic solvent should be inert to the electrode, and the electrochemical response does not occur with the positive and negative electrode during the battery charging process

- Higher dielectric constant and smaller viscosity to make lithium salt have sufficiently high solubility, thereby ensuring a high conductivity

- Low melting point and high boiling point, so that the working temperature range is wide

- It has a good compatibility with the electrode material, that is, the electrode can show excellent electrochemical properties in the electrolyte

- Considering battery cycle efficiency, cost, environmental factors and other aspects

Composition of liquid electrolyte --- Organic solvent



- Sulfur -containing organic solvent

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