Направление развития автомобилестроения - Оборудование для литий-ионных аккумуляторов

Япония корректирует направление развития автомобилестроения - Оборудование для литий-ионных аккумуляторов

04 июл 2022

The Japanese government and business circles held a public-private meeting this week, and formally proposed the goal of "full electrification" of Japanese passenger cars by the middle of this century. To this end, Japan will accelerate the development of related equipment, especially electric vehicle batteries, and actively participate in the formulation of The new international standard for charging specifications will also organize Japanese automakers to cooperate in purchasing rare metals needed to produce batteries, "against my country, which is a step ahead in this regard." According to Japanese media, the current global electric vehicle development trend is posing a major challenge to Japan, and the Japanese government and car companies are trying to adjust their policies and strive for future business opportunities in a "sharp turn".(Lithium - Ion Battery Equipment)

Car companies make a complete shift to electrification

According to Kyodo News, the "Automotive New Era Strategy Conference" jointly organized by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan and the corporate sector held its second meeting on the 24th. Business executives attended the meeting. The action method summarized at the meeting proposed that by 2050, all new passenger vehicles sold by Japanese car companies at home and abroad will be pure electric vehicles using electric motors or batteries, or gasoline-electric hybrid vehicles. The action method also said that by 2050, it will strive to achieve the goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions per passenger car by about 90% compared with 2010.

Japanese media said that in order to ensure the rare metal cobalt necessary for battery materials, before the end of this year, Japanese car companies will form a corporate procurement alliance for joint procurement to deal with my country, which has already taken action in purchasing rare metals required for reserve batteries. In the fall of 2018, representatives of many governments will hold a meeting in Japan to discuss electric vehicle charging specifications and strive to develop new international standards. The Japanese government is planning to use its host status to strengthen its participation in the related agenda.

Closure rigidity and policy swings delay opportunities

The Japanese media said that driven by the purpose of environmental protection and promoting industrial upgrading, my country has clearly promoted electric vehicles, and many European countries have formulated the goal of fully realizing the electrification of vehicles. In contrast, Japan has lost its first-mover advantage. There are many reasons for Japan's "sluggishness" in the popularization of electric vehicles. First, electric vehicles are a highly concentrated industry to invest in. However, the relevant investment laws of the Japanese auto industry are rigid, there are many restrictions on overseas investment, and it lacks attractiveness to global investors. Therefore, the Japanese electric vehicle industry is at a disadvantage in terms of capital accumulation.

Second, electric vehicles are a highly innovative industry. Whether the engine, battery or intelligent control system, must be "disruptive innovation." However, most Japanese companies have long been caught in the innovation dilemma due to the rigid system, and they cannot cope with "disruptive innovation" at all, let alone cultivate "disruptive innovation" talents.

Finally, electric vehicles need a highly supporting energy policy. Japan, on the other hand, has wobbled on energy policy. After the Fukushima accident, Japan's push for clean energy has changed. The Japanese government and car companies have put a lot of energy into gasoline-electric hybrid and fuel-powered cell vehicles, and facilities construction and technology research and development are also dominated by these models. Switching to electric vehicles means that various investments in the past will not be able to be recovered smoothly, and this interest consideration also limits the development of Japan's electric vehicle industry.

Japanese scholar Nakajima even believes that Japan is "one cycle" behind my country and Europe in the development of electric vehicles. Even if it turns now, it will be difficult to catch up to the level of our country and Europe. Continuing to hold on to the original gasoline vehicles or gasoline-electric hybrid vehicles, the Japanese auto industry will definitely be completely eliminated by the world in the future.

First-mover advantage behind Central Europe

Some Japanese media reported that my country and Europe are becoming the center of popularization of electric vehicles. In fact, as far as the "electrification" goal is concerned, my country and Europe set it much earlier than Japan.

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