Цепь защиты железо-литиевого аккумулятора Оборудование литий-ионного аккумулятора

Функция защиты железо-литиевой батареи -Оборудование для литий-ионных батарей

16 мая 2022

Due to the high energy density of iron-lithium ion batteries, in the overcharged state, the energy will be excessive when the battery temperature rises, so the electrolyte decomposes and gas occurs, which is easy to increase the internal pressure and cause the risk of spontaneous combustion or rupture; on the contrary, in the overdischarged state When the electrolyte is decomposed, the characteristics and durability of the battery are deteriorated, the number of rechargeable times is reduced, and the service life of the battery is shortened. Therefore, the protection of iron-lithium-ion batteries is very important. In the application of lithium-ion batteries, a battery protection chip must be provided to prevent overcharge, overdischarge and overcurrent of the battery.

The design of iron-lithium-ion battery protection circuit is very important. However, the lithium-ion battery protection circuit will increase the additional loss of battery energy and reduce the application time of the battery, which requires the lithium-ion battery protection circuit to achieve low power consumption with high precision. In addition to basic functions such as overcharge protection, overdischarge protection and overcurrent protection, a lithium-ion battery protection chip must also meet the following requirements:(  Lithium - Ion Battery Equipment)

(1) Ultra-low power consumption. When the iron-lithium-ion battery protection circuit is working, the power consumption it consumes is the loss of the battery. Therefore, we want to minimize the power consumption of the lithium-ion battery protection circuit.

(2) High-precision voltage detection. In order to make the lithium-ion battery protection circuit respond correctly to different working states of the battery, the protection circuit must be able to accurately detect voltage parameters such as overcharge protection voltage and overdischarge protection voltage.

(3) Work correctly under a large voltage range. Since the power supply voltage of the iron-lithium-ion battery protection circuit is the battery voltage, and the battery voltage can float within a large range, the lithium-ion battery protection circuit is required to work correctly within this voltage range.

In the overcharged state of the lithium-ion battery, the electrolyte will be decomposed, causing the temperature and pressure inside the battery to rise; in the overdischarged state, the electrolytic material copper in the negative electrode will melt and cause an internal short circuit, increasing the temperature. In addition, if the lithium-ion battery is over-discharged, the electrolyte in the battery will change, and the number of rechargeable cycles will be reduced, thereby affecting the service life of the lithium-ion battery.

Due to the shortcomings of the above-mentioned analysis of the iron-lithium-ion battery, a protection circuit must be added in the application of the lithium-ion battery. The basic functions of the protection circuit should also correspond to the above shortcomings, so we require that the lithium-ion battery power protection chip should be able to achieve the following basic functions: overcharge protection, overdischarge protection, overcurrent protection and short circuit protection. From the above application requirements of lithium-ion batteries, in order to improve the service life of lithium-ion batteries and ensure the safe use of batteries

(1) If the charging voltage exceeds the maximum allowable value of the battery, the battery discharge circuit can be supplied.

(2) If the discharge voltage is lower than the minimum allowable value of the battery, the battery charging circuit can be supplied. The battery is then disconnected from the external circuit, and the battery is then disconnected from the external circuit.

(3) If the charging and discharging current of the battery is greater than the limit value, cut off the connection between the battery and the external circuit.

(4) When the iron-lithium-ion battery returns to the normal state, the protection circuit should be able to release the protection state accordingly, so that the battery can continue to work normally.

The protection circuit of the lithium-ion battery is to ensure the safety in such an overcharged and discharged state, and to prevent the deterioration of the characteristics. The overcharge, overdischarge, overcurrent and short circuit protection of lithium-ion batteries are very important, so protection circuits are usually designed in the battery pack to protect the lithium-ion batteries. The purpose of the lithium-ion battery protection IC is to prevent overcharging.

In terms of functions, the protection IC should not integrate all functions. A single protection IC can be developed according to different lithium-ion battery materials, such as only overcharge protection or overdischarge protection function, which can greatly reduce the cost and size.
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