Введение в топливную энергию литиевого аккумулятора -Оборудование для литий-ионных аккумуляторов

Ознакомление с принципом работы и составом системы питания литиевой батареи -Lithium - Ion Battery Equipment

20 фев 2023

Working principle and system composition

working principle

The principle of power generation of fuel power batteries is similar to the original battery or secondary battery. The hydroxide reactions and oxygen reduction reactions occur on both sides of the electrolyte septum. The electrons work through the external circuit and the reaction product is water (Figure 1). However, unlike the original battery, the reactant in the fuel power battery is not pre -stored inside the battery, but is discharged from the fuel gas and oxidative gas reaction when reaction. Therefore, the fuel power battery is not energy storage The device is a conversion device, and its electrode and electrolyte are not directly involved in the reaction during the reaction process.(Lithium - Ion Battery Equipment)

System composition

There must be a relatively complex system for fuel power battery power generation. In addition to fuel power battery piles, it also includes fuel supply subsystems, oxidant supply subsystems, water thermal management subsystems, and electrical management and control subsystems. Its important system components include Air compressors, humidifiers, hydrogen circulating pumps, high -pressure hydrogen bottles, etc. These subsystems and fuel power battery piles (or modules) form a fuel power battery power generation system. The complexity of the fuel power battery system challenges the reliability of operation.

Fuel power battery stack is the core of the fuel power battery power system. It has DC power (DC) through electrochemical reactions in fuel power batteries. The current of a single fuel power battery is less than 1V. Therefore, a single fuel power battery is usually connected into a fuel power battery. A typical fuel power battery pile may consist of hundreds of fuel power batteries. The energy of fuel power batteries depends on several factors, such as fuel power battery types, battery size, working temperature, and gas pressure supplied to the battery.

Fuel processor

The fuel processor converts fuel into the form of fuel power batteries. Depending on the types of fuel and fuel power batteries, fuel processors can be a simple absorbent bed, or a combination of multiple reactors and adsorbents.

Power regulator

Power adjustment includes control current (ampel), voltage, frequency and other current characteristics to meet the requirements of the application. The fuel power battery is generated in the form of DC (DC). In the DC circuit, the electrons flow only in one direction. If the fuel power battery is used to power the equipment using AC power, DC electricity must be converted to AC power.

Air compressor

The performance of fuel power battery has increased with the new increase of gas pressure; therefore, many fuel power battery systems include an air compressor, which can increase the imported air pressure to 2 to 4 times the environment atmospheric pressure. Regarding transportation applications, the efficiency of air compressors should reach at least 75%. In some cases, it also includes an expansion to restore electricity from high -voltage exhaust gas. The efficiency of the extension should be at least 80%.


The core polymer electrolyte film of PEM fuel power batteries cannot work well when drying, so many fuel power battery systems are installed with humidifiers for the air intake. The humidifier is usually composed of a layer of film, which can be made of the same material as PEM. By flowing and dry imported air on one side of the humidifier and humid exhaust air flowing on the other side, the water that appears in fuel power batteries can be used to keep PEM well hydrophilic.

2.3 Key materials and components

Polymer electrolyte (PEM) fuel power battery is a hot spot for the current research of fuel power battery vehicles. PEM fuel power batteries are made of several different layers of materials. The important components of PEM fuel power batteries are shown in Figure 3. The core of PEM fuel power batteries is membrane electrode components (MEA), including membrane, catalyst layer and gas diffusion layer (GDLS). The hardware component is used to meant merging fuel power batteries, including pads, and it supplys a seal to prevent leakage gas, and double -phase steel plates to assemble personal PEM fuel power batteries and fuel power battery stacks and supply gas fuel and air The channel.

Catalyst is one of the key materials for fuel power batteries. Its use is to reduce the activation energy of reaction, promote the oxidation reduction process of hydrogen and oxygen on the electrode, and increase the response rate. Due to the low current density of oxygen reactions (ORR), it is the control step of the total fuel power battery reaction. At present, the commonly used commercial catalysts in fuel power batteries are PT/C, which are dispersed from nano particles of PT to the carbon powder (such as XC-72) carrier-load catalysts.
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