Введение в конструкцию аппарата с литиевыми батареями - Оборудование для литий-ионных аккумуляторов

Введение в конструкцию аппарата с литиевыми батареями - Оборудование для литий-ионных аккумуляторов

22 мая 2023

Lithium -ion battery discharge is based on lithium ions to spread from anode to cathode through an electrical appliance. This mobile mechanism is important based on the diffusion process: transmit lithium ions to the anode surface, transition to and pass through electrolytes, and transition to cathode and spread to cathode to cathode pole Essence Prowment is the biggest restrictions on high -current discharge and charging and low temperature performance. In addition, the volume change has occurred in the active electrode material in the embedded and dehydration process.

Lithium ion battery process structure

Material processing and manufacturing efforts to improve performance and management that cannot be prevented in management have led to composite materials with micron and nano -level particles. Nano particles can adapt to volume changes, and at the same time have the minimum cracks, and their micro -scale clusters and complexes cause the minimum diffusion path length of the slow diffusion (electrode). The point is to pack the density to maximize the content of active material, open pores to contact electrolytes, and electronic sustainability to ensure the charge exchange of current exchangers.(Lithium - Ion Battery Equipment)

The cylindrical battery is manufactured and assembled as follows. The electrolyte is formed by the paste of the active material powder, adhesive, solvent, and additives, and is sent to the coating machine to coat on the electrocable foil, such as aluminum and copper on the cathode side. Then press the thickness and particle size of the pressure, and then cut it into the correct width. These parts are then stacked to the protective board & ndash; anode & ndash; protective board cathode stack layer, then wrapped around the cylindrical battery, inserted into the cylindrical shell, and welded the electrical electricity. Then fill the battery with an electrolyte. The electrolyte must be wet the protective board, immersed and wet the electrode. The wetness and soaking process are the slowest steps, so it is the decisive factor in line speed. Then connect all other insulators, seals and safety devices. Then, the battery is charged and tested for the first time. Persians are usually discharged during the first charging period. The first charging cycle follows complex protocols to improve the performance of the battery, cycle behavior and service life.
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