Новая технология литиевых аккумуляторов GAC — оборудование для литий-ионных аккумуляторов

Новая технология литиевых аккумуляторов GAC — оборудование для литий-ионных аккумуляторов

22 ноя 2022

With super fast charging, super long endurance and super safety, GAC E'an has announced that it will soon launch a new power lithium ion battery technology, which will stir up thousands of waves. On January 16, Ouyang Minggao, vice chairman of the China Electric Vehicle Hundred People's Association and academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, pointed out at the 2021 China Electric Vehicle Hundred People's Association Forum that "if someone said that his car could run 1000 kilometers and be charged in a few minutes, it would also be particularly safe, and the cost was very low, so we need not believe it, because it could not be achieved at the same time at present."(Lithium - Ion Battery Equipment)

On January 17, Gu Huinan, the general manager of GAC E'an New Energy Automobile Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of GAC Group, responded to questions from China Securities Journal and other media, "Academician Ouyang Minggao means that it is unrealistic to have a fast charge, a long endurance and a low price. I can also fill 1000 kilometers in 8 minutes, but I need to support the corresponding charging pile at the same time. This year, the 1000 km endurance of GAC will definitely be launched, and the fast charge will also be launched. Technology and promotion are two logics."

Academician said that commercial operation should not be excessive

On January 15, GAC E'an announced the upcoming new power lithium ion battery technology on its official microblog. GAC Ai'an said that this power lithium ion battery technology has three advantages: super fast charging, super long endurance and super safety. The graphene based super fast charging battery can charge 80% in 8 minutes, making charging as convenient as refueling; Silicon negative electrode enables NEDC of electric vehicle to last 1000 kilometers. In addition, the power lithium-ion battery has passed a rigorous safety test - battery shooting test. GAC E'an also disclosed that this graphene battery will be used in mass production.

Boosted by the news, GAC Group extended its trading limit late last Friday, while graphene concept stocks and new energy vehicle concept stocks rose late last Friday.

On January 16, Ouyang Minggao said at the forum that China's pure electric vehicle power lithium ion battery technology innovation is very active. The technological innovation mode of power lithium-ion battery in China has transformed from government led to market driven, and to business operation of the company. "You know that many recent announcements have talked about battery innovation, which is a normal business operation. Of course, it cannot be excessive, and excessive will become hype."

Ouyang Minggao said that the research of battery materials in China is among the international advanced ranks, but the innovation of battery materials is a process of accumulation. Because it is necessary to balance such contradictory performance indicators as specific energy, service life, fast charging, safety and cost.

"If someone says that his car can run 1000 kilometers and be charged in a few minutes, and it is particularly safe, and the cost is very low, you need not believe it, because it is impossible to achieve this at the same time at present. It is worth mentioning that the structural innovation of the battery system, supplemented by the improvement of battery cell materials, has become a distinctive feature of China's power lithium ion battery technology innovation in recent years." Ouyang Minggao said.

Zeng Qinghong, secretary of the Party Committee and chairman of GAC Group, also introduced at the forum that GAC Group has made progress in the research and development of graphene batteries and silicon negative electrode high energy density batteries. At present, GAC's graphene based super fast charging battery has entered the stage of real vehicle testing. The first model to be carried is AIONV, which is currently undergoing winter testing in Heihe. It is preliminarily determined that it can be mass produced in September this year.

Zeng Qinghong said that the graphene fast charging battery has a 6C fast charging capacity. Combined with high-power overcharge equipment, it can be charged to 80% as soon as 8 minutes. At present, GAC has mastered the innovative graphene preparation technology, reducing the preparation and production cost by more than 90%, making the overall cell cost slightly higher than the current market cost of conventional power lithium-ion batteries by 5% - 8%, and greatly improving the cost performance of power lithium-ion battery system.

General Manager of GAC Ai'an Responds to Academician's Views

Ouyang Minggao's statement caused a heated discussion on the Internet, and his view is believed to point directly to the graphene battery just released by GAC.
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