Цели плана ЕС "Аккумуляторы 2030+" - Оборудование для литий-ионных аккумуляторов

План ЕС "Аккумуляторы 2030+" Исследования и разработки в области аккумуляторов - Оборудование для литий-ионных аккумуляторов

10 августа 2022

The digitalization trend of technological development is unstoppable, and battery technology is no exception. Recently, the EU's "Battery 2030+" (BATTERY2030+) program working group released the second draft of the battery research and development roadmap, which sets out ambitious program goals, as well as material research and development, battery interface/interphase research, advanced sensors, and self-healing functions. , battery manufacturing, battery recycling 6 areas of research and development routes, especially worthy of attention is the "digital" feature prominent in the underlying research methods. This article is reproduced from the public account of "Advanced Energy Science and Technology Strategic Intelligence Research Center", hoping to inspire researchers in the field of energy storage.(Lithium - Ion Battery Equipment)

Recently, the EU "Battery 2030+" (BATTERY2030+) program working group released the second draft of the battery research and development roadmap, proposing the research and development priorities of EU battery technology in the next 10 years, aiming to develop smart, safe, sustainable and cost-competitive. The ultra-high-performance batteries in Europe enable European battery technology to maintain a long-term leading position in the fields of transportation power energy storage, stationary energy storage, as well as future emerging fields such as robotics, aerospace, medical equipment, and the Internet of Things. The draft roadmap sets out the long-term vision and overall goals for EU battery research and development, and points out that the future will focus on four important research areas: material development, battery interface/interphase research, advanced sensors, and self-healing functions, as well as two cross-cutting researches on manufacturing and recycling. New concept technology (technological maturity level 1-3) research and development activities are carried out in the field.

The European Commission announced in the "Battery Strategic Action Plan" announced in May 2018 that it would establish a large-scale long-term plan for battery research and development, and announced the "Battery 2030+ Declaration" in December of that year, expounding the "Battery 2030+" plan. Goals, vision and key R&D areas. In March 2019, the EU launched the "Battery 2030+" coordination and support action to define the R&D roadmap for the "Battery 2030+" program. The second draft of the R&D roadmap announced this time will be submitted to the European Commission by the end of February 2020 after discussion and revision. The important contents of the roadmap are as follows:

1. Goals of the "Battery 2030+" plan

Develop smart, sustainable batteries with ultra-high performance for various applications. Such batteries will deliver ultra-high performance (i.e., energy and power density close to theoretical limits), excellent lifetime and reliability, enhanced safety and environmental sustainability, and scalability, all at a competitive cost. Mass production.

Through the research of the "Battery 2030+" plan in the next 10 years, it will bring the following impacts on battery technology (compared with current technology): 1. Narrow the gap between actual battery performance (energy density and power density) and theoretical performance 1/2; ② at least triple battery durability and reliability; ③ reduce battery life cycle carbon footprint by at least one-fifth (for a given power mix); ④ battery recycling rate of at least 75%, The recovery rate of key raw materials is close to 100%.

2. R&D routes in key areas

1. Material development

(1) R&D focus

By creating a materials acceleration platform that combines the complementary strengths of partners and an existing collaborative environment to support research efforts to increase awareness of battery materials. Key R&D technologies include: ① Development of high-throughput autonomous synthetic robots to solve material characterization problems in electrolyte formulations and electrode active materials and their combinations; ② Establishment of automated high-speed characterization of battery materials and their in-situ and in-process characterization. Flux infrastructure, which combines physical parameter-oriented data-based modeling and data generation to conduct high-throughput testing of batteries and their active materials, and establish battery material platforms that can accelerate the development of new materials and interfaces; 
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