Технология материалов литий-ионных аккумуляторов -Оборудование для литий-ионных аккумуляторов

Тенденция развития технологии материалов литий-ионных аккумуляторов -Оборудование для литий-ионных аккумуляторов

01 Сен 2022

Thanks to the development of new energy vehicles, power batteries are in the midst of rapid development, and the development of new energy vehicles also puts forward higher requirements for the performance of power batteries. By 2020, the specific energy of the new lithium-ion power battery cell will exceed 300wh/Kg, and by 2025, the specific energy of the new system power battery cell will reach 500wh/Kg.

Driven by both policy and market, power batteries are bound to develop in the direction of high energy density, high cycle performance, and high safety performance, which requires research institutions and enterprises to make improvements in cathode materials, anode materials, and electrolytes. Solid-state batteries, silicon carbon anodes, high-nickel ternary materials and lithium-rich manganese cathodes are considered to be the mainstream technical routes developed by the company in recent years.(Lithium - Ion Battery Equipment)

Lithium-rich manganese-based cathodes: ideal materials with low noble metal content

The technical goal to be achieved by a single battery in 2025 is a specific energy of 400Wh/kg, and the development of more efficient and energy-saving new cathode materials to overcome and replace the existing defective cathode materials has become a research hotspot. Among the known cathode materials, the specific discharge capacity of lithium-rich manganese-based cathode materials reaches more than 250 mAh/g, which is almost twice the actual capacity of the currently commercialized cathode materials; Compared with the commonly used lithium cobalt oxide and nickel-cobalt-manganese ternary cathode materials, it not only has low cost, but also has good safety. Therefore, lithium-rich manganese-based cathode materials are regarded as ideal materials for next-generation lithium power batteries.

How long will it take to achieve 500wh/Kg? Overview of the development trend of lithium battery materials technology

Many companies, including Dangsheng Technology, Jiangte Motor, and AVIC Lithium Battery, are stepping up the research and development of lithium-rich manganese-based cathode materials. The Institute of Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences has improved the voltage decay of lithium-rich manganese-based cathode cycling, reaching the target of reducing the voltage decay to less than 2% after 100 cycles, and has made significant progress. The team from Peking University has developed a lithium-rich manganese-based cathode with a specific capacity of 400mAh/g for the first time, which can reach the target of 400Wh/kg.

At present, there are still technical problems to be solved such as reducing the first irreversible capacity loss, improving the rate performance and cycle life, and suppressing the voltage decay during the cycle process for the full application of Li-rich manganese-based cathodes.

High-nickel ternary materials: 2018 is the first year of development

According to the forecast of the starting point research, the output of nickel, cobalt and manganese in 2018 will reach 47GWh, an increase of 32% over last year, while the output of lithium cobalt oxide will only be 19GWh, an increase of only 5% over last year. Constrained by the scarcity of cobalt and the rising price of cobalt, battery companies are actively promoting the high nickelization of ternary materials, reducing the cost by reducing the proportion of cobalt in the battery. The molecular content of cobalt in NCM811 is only 6.06%.

Nickel-cobalt-manganese materials have high energy density, stable electrochemical performance, high capacity, low cost and other advantages, and will gradually replace lithium iron phosphate and ordinary ternary batteries in the future. At present, companies such as Dangsheng Technology, Shanshan Co., Ltd., and Beterui have already met the conditions for mass production of NCM811, and 2018 is considered to be the first year for the development of high-nickel ternary materials.

Solid State Batteries: Solid Materials Replace Separator and Electrolyte

All-solid-state batteries are recognized in the industry and academia as one of the mainstream directions of battery development in the next step.

How long will it take to achieve 500wh/Kg? Overview of the development trend of lithium battery materials technology

On the one hand, all-solid-state battery technology is the only way to miniaturize and thin batteries. The combined volume of the separator and electrolyte accounts for almost 40% of the battery volume. If the separator and electrolyte are replaced with solid materials, the distance between the positive and negative electrodes can be shortened to a few microns, and the thickness of the battery is greatly reduced.
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