Тенденции развития технологии литиевых аккумуляторов - Оборудование для литий-ионных аккумуляторов

Тенденции развития технологии литиевых аккумуляторов - Оборудование для литий-ионных аккумуляторов

22 ноя 2022

High nickel ternary battery is becoming an important way to improve battery energy density. In addition, in the field of lithium-ion batteries, including Guoxuan High Tech, Ningde Times and other giants are targeting research in cutting-edge fields such as solid electrolyte, lithium metal anode, etc. The competition in the battery industry is moving towards the upstream, which is also likely to produce disruptive key technologies. Recently, the research team of Chinese scientists published the latest research on battery materials in the excellent academic journal SCIENCE. The results show that they have made a major breakthrough in the field of cathode materials (battery cathode) for lithium ion batteries, which are severely constrained by resources. This breakthrough deserves the attention of practitioners in the lithium ion battery industry.

On October 9, 2017, a research achievement with great breakthrough significance was published in Nature ˙ Energy. A material science research team led by famous Chinese material scientists Bao Zhenan and Cui Yi has successfully developed a new cathode material for sodium ion batteries. This material has extremely high battery capacity and significantly increased cycle life, which is expected to replace the expensive lithium-ion battery due to the limited reserves of mineral resources.(Lithium - Ion Battery Equipment)

This new material uses a new idea, which greatly improves the performance of the sodium ion battery - its circulating battery capacity reaches 484mAh/g, and the cathode energy density is as high as 726Wh/kg.

Minah Lee, the first author of this paper and a postdoctoral fellow at Stanford University, said: "Our new cathode is composed of oxygen and sodium, which has the same energy density as the conventional lithium cathode, and can be used as a reliable cathode for sodium ion batteries to replace lithium ion batteries."

It is even more remarkable that because of the extremely rich reserves of sodium on the earth, the cost of the exploitation and production of cathode materials of sodium ion batteries is only 1/100 of that of lithium ion batteries, thus controlling the overall cost of sodium ion batteries to about 80% of that of lithium ion batteries. This breakthrough in technology has enabled mankind to take another solid step on the road to large-scale energy storage.

In fact, as the most reliable battery on mobile terminals, lithium ion batteries dominate most of the application scenarios of mobile phones, computers, electric vehicles and other rechargeable batteries with higher energy density and more thorough charging and discharging depth. Moreover, with the increase of lithium ion battery production, under the use of economies of scale, its price has continued to decline for many years, further consolidating its competitive advantage over other battery technologies.

Some scientists even believe that there will be no other batteries to replace lithium ion batteries before all lithium minerals on the earth are mined.

However, the seemingly impossible scenario of "depletion of reserves" is becoming the real concern of many insiders. Against the background that the global production of lithium ion batteries has been surging to new heights and the overall price of lithium ion batteries has dropped sharply, the price of some raw materials used to produce lithium ion battery electrodes has soared. This is because the earth's mineral resources (lithium ore, cobalt ore, etc.) that can be used to produce cathode materials for lithium ion batteries are actually not rich at all.

In order to meet the current production demand of lithium ion batteries, the output of all mines around the world has been pushed to the limit, and it is very difficult to increase the output again. Not to mention, accelerated mining will also lead to the premature depletion of these limited mineral resources, thereby further driving up prices. Therefore, lithium-ion batteries face a challenge that most commodities will never face: with the increase of production, the price will not decline continuously, but may rise sharply.

In order to solve this problem, scientists turned their attention to another element on the periodic table, sodium, which is close to lithium and has similar characteristics. Compared with lithium resources, the reserves of sodium resources on the earth are "impossible to be exhausted": from the vast sea to the table of every family, there is sodium chloride - salt everywhere. Compared with the price of lithium ion battery material, which is up to 15000 dollars per ton, if sodium ion is used as electrode material, the cost per ton will be only 150 dollars, which is 100 times cheaper.
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