Принцип работы топливной батареи литиевой батареи -Оборудование литий-ионного аккумулятора

Подробное объяснение принципа работы топливной батареи литиевой батареи -Lithium - Ion Battery Equipment

17 Апр 2023

The principle of fuel power lithium battery is an electrochemical device that is the same as that of general batteries. Its single battery is composed of two positive and negative electrodes (negative poles, fuel electrodes and positive electrodes, oxidant electrodes) and electrolytes. The difference is that the active substances of general batteries are inside the battery, so the battery capacity is limited. The positive and negative electrodes of fuel power lithium batteries do not contain active substances, but it is just a catalytic conversion element. Therefore, the fuel power lithium battery is a energy conversion machine that converts chemical energy into electrical energy. When the battery works, fuel and oxidant are supplied by the outside for reaction. In principle, as long as the reaction is continuously entered and the reaction product is constantly excluded, the fuel power lithium battery can continue to generate electricity. Here is a hydrogen-oxygen fuel power lithium battery as an example to illustrate the fuel power lithium battery(Lithium - Ion Battery Equipment)

The reaction of hydrogen-oxygen fuel power lithium battery reaction principle is the inverse process of electrolytic water. The electrode should be: negative poles: H2+2OH- & RARR; 2H2O+2E-

Corporation: 1/2O2+H2O+2E- & Rarr; 2OH-

Battery response: H2+1/2O2 == H2O

In addition, only the fuel -powered lithium battery body cannot work, and there must be a corresponding auxiliary system, including the reactant supply system, thermal exhaust system, drainage system, electrical control system, and safety devices.

The fuel power lithium battery is usually composed of an electrolyte plate that forms an ionic electrical body and its fuel pole (anode) and the air (cathode), and the gas flow path on both sides. (Oxidant gas) Pass in the flow road.

Due to the different electrolytes of work in practical fuel power lithium batteries, the types of ions related to electrolytes and reactions are also different. The PAFC and PEMFC reaction is related to the hydrogen ions (H+) in the PEMFC reaction. The reaction occurs:

Fuel pole: H2 == 2H ++ 2E- (1)

Air pole: 2H ++ 1/2O2+2E- == H2O (2)

All: H2+1/2O2 == H2O (3)

In the fuel pole, the H2 in the fuel gas provided is decomposed to H+and E-, and H+moves to the electrolyte in the electrolyte. E-via the external load circuit, and then return to the air pole side, and participate in the reaction of the extreme side of the air. The response of a series of examples contributed to E-continuously through the external circuit, which constitutes power generation. And from the reaction type in the upper formula (3), it can be seen that the H2O generated by H2 and O2 has no other reactions, and the chemical energy of H2 has transformed into electrical energy. However, in fact, with the reaction of the electrode, there is a certain resistance, which will cause some thermal energy to appear, thereby reducing the proportion of transforming into electrical energy. A set of batteries that cause these reactions are called components, and the voltage appears is usually lower than one voltage. Therefore, in order to obtain a large force, a multi -layer component is used to obtain a high voltage pile. The electrical connection between components and the separation between fuel gases and air use components called gas flow on the upper and lower sides. The partitions of PAFC and PEMFC are composed of carbon materials. The power of the heap is determined by the product of the total voltage and current, and the current is proportional to the response area in the battery.

The electrolyte of PAFC is a thick -phosphoric acid solution, while PEMFC electrolyte is a membrane of the proton conductive polymer. The electrodes are carbon's porous body. In order to promote the reaction, PT uses PT as a catalyst. CO in fuel gas will cause poisoning and reduce electrode performance. To this end, the amount of CO contained in fuel gas must be limited in the PAFC and PEMFC applications, especially PEMFC, which is related to low -temperature work, should be strictly limited.

The basic composition and response principle of a lithium phosphate fuel power battery is: fuel gas or urban gas adds water vapor and send it to a modifier, converts the fuel into a mixture of H2, CO, and water vapor. The catalyst is transformed into H2 and CO2. After this treatment, the fuel gas enters the negative electrode (fuel pole) of the fuel dough. At the same time, the oxygen is transported to the positive electrode (air pole) of the fuel reactor for chemical reactions. The use of the catalyst can quickly appear electrical and thermal energy.
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