Подробное объяснение аккумулятора - Оборудование для литий-ионных аккумуляторов

Подробное объяснение аккумулятора - Оборудование для литий-ионных аккумуляторов

19 мая 2022

The so-called battery is an electrochemical device that stores chemical energy and releases electrical energy when necessary. It uses a lead substrate grid filled with spongy lead (also known as a lattice) as a negative electrode, a lead substrate grid filled with lead dioxide as a positive electrode, and dilute sulfuric acid with a density of 1.26--1.33g/mlg/ml is used as the electrolyte. When the battery is discharging, metal lead is the negative electrode, which undergoes an oxidation reaction to generate lead sulfate; lead dioxide is the positive electrode, which undergoes a reduction reaction to generate lead sulfate. When the battery is charged with direct current, elemental lead and lead dioxide are formed at the two poles, respectively. When the power source is removed, it returns to its pre-discharge state, forming a chemical battery.

There are different ways to classify batteries. The classification methods can be roughly divided into three categories. The first category: according to the type of electrolyte, including: alkaline batteries, the electrolyte is mainly based on potassium hydroxide fire solution batteries: such as: alkali Zinc-manganese batteries (commonly known as alkaline manganese batteries or alkaline batteries), nickel-cadmium batteries, nickel-hydrogen batteries, etc. Acid batteries, mainly using sulfuric acid aqueous solution as the medium, such as zinc-manganese dry batteries (some consumers also call them acid batteries), seawater batteries, etc.; organic electrolyte batteries, mainly using organic solutions as the medium of batteries, such as lithium-ion batteries, Lithium-ion batteries, etc. The second category: divided according to the nature of work and storage methods include: primary batteries, also known as primary batteries, that is, batteries that cannot be recharged, such as zinc-manganese dry batteries, lithium primary batteries, etc.; secondary batteries, rechargeable batteries, such as nickel-metal hydride batteries Batteries, lithium-ion batteries, nickel-cadmium batteries, etc.; batteries are used to refer to lead-acid batteries, which are also secondary batteries; fuel power cells, that is, active materials are continuously added to the battery from the outside when the battery is working, such as hydrogen-oxygen fuel power cells etc.; reserve battery, that is, the battery does not directly contact the electrolyte during storage, and the electrolyte is not added until the battery is used, such as magnesium silver battery, also known as seawater battery, etc. The third category: According to the positive and negative materials used in the battery, it includes: zinc series batteries, such as zinc-manganese batteries, zinc-silver batteries, etc.; nickel series batteries, such as nickel-cadmium batteries, nickel-hydrogen batteries, etc.: lead series batteries, such as lead-acid batteries etc.; lithium ion batteries, lithium manganese batteries; manganese dioxide series batteries, such as zinc-manganese batteries, alkaline manganese batteries, etc.;(Lithium - Ion Battery Equipment)

2. UPS battery
UPS is called an uninterruptible power supply because it can quickly switch to an inverter state during a power failure, so that the computer in use will not lose important files due to a sudden power failure in the future. It is not used as a backup power supply. If you just want to use electricity in the event of a power outage, just buying an inverter is enough. Most of the general household UPSs are maintenance-free lead-acid batteries.

3. Lithium iron phosphate battery
Lithium iron phosphate battery is the safest high specific energy battery in the lithium ion battery family. The discharge voltage of the lithium iron phosphate battery is very stable, generally 3.2V, the voltage changes rapidly in the later stage of discharge (importantly refers to the remaining 10% of the capacity), and the cut-off voltage is generally 2.5V. The ambient temperature, especially the low temperature, will affect the discharge capacity of the lithium iron phosphate battery: the discharge capacity at -20°C is 45% of the normal temperature capacity, -10°C is 65% of the normal temperature, -5°C is 80% of the normal temperature, 0 ℃ is 90% of the normal temperature, and the change of discharge capacity from 0℃ to 20℃ is very small. The low temperature performance of lithium iron phosphate batteries is better than that of lead-acid batteries.

4. Super battery
The super battery engine starting power supply is a device that can supply starting power to the internal combustion engine after fast energy storage when the traditional battery used in the internal combustion engine fails and cannot be started.
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